
Stopped progesterone cream!

by Amy
(Pittsburgh, Pa)

Long story short. 43 year old woman, on birth control pills 20 years, stops pills two years ago. Prior to stopping pills, signs of hormone imbalance occurred. This was my reason for stopping pills.

After stopping pills, problems worsen. All hormonal. Tried natural progesterone cream for 4 months. No help. Some symptoms got better, but not much, or long term. My two major symptoms are now insomnia and acne and weight gain. I believe I may be insulin resistant and have adrenal fatigue. Along with an imbalance in my hormones. Dr. recommended only 0.05 milligrams of progersterone cream. I slowly increased to over 3 milligrams a day for almost a month and my estrogen dominant symptoms were out of control. I was told I was taking too high a dose and to lower it to 1 milligram a day along with a licorice supplement that contains other herbs to assist in my adreanl support. I was told the cream was not working due to my adrenal exhaustion.

I have tried this supplement along with many other supplements all for hormone balance and every one caused me to have headaches to the point of having to stop them. So now I see the cream is not working for me and neither are the supplements, I guess I am forced to suffer!

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May 20, 2010
Stopped progesterone cream!
by: Wray

Hi Amy. I don't think you need suffer! The amount of progesterone you were given would be worse than useless. You need to use between 100-200mg/day, not 3mg! Progesterone helps adrenal fatigue. The adrenals make progesterone in order to make cortisol our stress hormone, but if stressed it robs other sources of progesterone. Notably ovarian progesterone, as that's the biggest source. By supplementing with enough, it relieves the adrenals considerably. Besides which progesterone is very calming, this also helps the adrenals. Progesterone activates the GABA receptor sites, GABA is one of our most calming neurotransmitters. Without sufficient progesterone not enough GABA is in circulation. Progesterone also raises levels of serotonin slightly, serotonin is the precursor to melatonin our sleep hormone, so progesterone is often helpful for insomnia. I would suggest you try the amino acid tryptophan too. Tryp is the precursor to serotonin. For more info on tryp please see here.

All OC's stop ovarian function, this is the intention, but by doing so they stop all ovarian production of progesterone. Now that they have started up again, you are making far more oestrogen than progesterone, as you're probably not ovulating, or very erratically as you're now 43. Oestrogen causes weight gain and insulin resistance, so do all the OC pills. For more info please see here. Excess oestrogen converts into the androgens, these cause acne, please see here. If you do try progesterone again, please use a much higher dose, you will probably get oestrogen dominance again, but it's just something that has to be worked through. Using a high amount will overcome it quickly, using the low dose you did, will merely exacerbate it. For more info on how to use it please see here. And for oestrogen dominance see here. You are now in peri-menopause, please see here.

May 20, 2010
Stopped Progesterone Cream
by: Anonymous

Have you had your saliva tested? You can also take progesterone in form of pill or lozenge. My story is very similar to yours except I am on a much larger dose of progesterone and it is working to keep my symptoms of estrogen dominance and low progesterone (determined via blood and saliva). I take it all month long 100mg in the AM and 300mg in the evening - otherwise my life turns upside down during the days 14-bleed.

May 22, 2010
Stopped Progesterone Cream!
by: Wray

Saliva testing is the most accurate I agree. But oral progesterone is not the best delivery system, the doses have to be very high to overcome the destruction of the progesterone in the gut and liver, please see here. And here. I do agree about using it daily if symptoms are severe, but I don't believe you need 400mg/day. Please consider using a cream, it's a far more effective route, please see here. And here. Take care, Wray

May 26, 2010
I take a progesterone pill
by: Anonymous

I am 43 and take a progesterone 100mg that is micronized SR. I take it at night only right now. I am very chemical sensitive so I have to take meds slowly. I have seen and read that micronized is slow-released and better absorbed. Micronized progesterone contains extremely tiny particles, 80 to 90 percent of which are absorbed by the body, so that lower doses may be used. And because the hormone is released slowly, it is absorbed through the lymphatic system and the tiny capillaries of the small intestines, which allows for a steady delivery of progesterone. Hope this info helps!

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