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Jul 26, 2024

Progesterone cream through menopause

I’m in perimenopause …38 using 200-300mg of cream a day for about 5 months but have hit a point where I have extreme fatigue and breast pain and swelling

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Jul 26, 2024


Struggling with fatigue 5 months of 200-300mg…in perimenopause, but still having breast swelling and pain, and panic attacks. I’m scared it’s not going

Continue reading "Fatigue"

Jul 25, 2024

Natpro in Stock!

Natpro restock

To our valued customers, thank you for your patience and loyalty through this stock out, we are happy to report that stock is back in and available to order.

Jul 19, 2024


Hello around 39….using 200mg progesterone cream for about 4-5 months but noticed extreme anxiety, sleep issues and almost like a panic attack feeling when

Continue reading "Anxiety"

Jul 14, 2024

Breastfeeding and menstruating

Hi I’m 5 months postpartum and have been applying 300mg of progesterone cream daily. My period started today so I’m not sure if I should continue applying

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Jul 14, 2024

Progesterone Increase Side Effects

Hi there, I’ve been slowly increasing my progesterone cream from 100mg, taking day 14-28, now to daily for 6 weeks and have increased to 400mg. The thought

Continue reading " Progesterone Increase Side Effects "

Jul 10, 2024

Stock Out

sold out

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the stock out of our progesterone cream. We understand how important this product is to your well-being, and we are working diligently to restock as quickly as possible.To show our appreciation for your patience and loyalty, we are offering a special discount on your next purchase. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please send us an email to We will make sure to notify you personally as soon as the product is back in stock.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. We truly value your trust in us and look forward to serving you again soon.

Jul 03, 2024

Understanding and Managing Estrogen Dominance

estrogen molecules

Estrogen dominance, a condition where estrogen levels are excessively high relative to progesterone, can cause various adverse symptoms in both men and women. Women on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) or the Pill often experience this due to low progesterone levels.

Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance:

- Aches and pains- Abnormal bleeding- Bloating and weight gain- Breast tenderness- Constipation- Dizziness- Headaches and migraines- Mood swings- Fatigue and chronic tiredness- Skin issues (acne/melasma)- Hot flushes

Progesterone Therapy:

Progesterone therapy can initially worsen symptoms by making estrogen temporarily dominant as they target the same receptor sites, but over time, progesterone will balance your estrogen levels and alleviate symptoms. Women typically need 100-200mg/day, but severe symptoms might require up to 400mg/day. Men usually benefit from 10-20mg/day, increasing to 100mg/day if needed.

Management Tips:

- Gradually adjust progesterone levels once symptoms improve.- Stress and large meals can lower progesterone sharply—adjust dosage during stressful periods.- Ensure adequate vitamin D intake as a deficiency can reduce progesterone efficacy.

Lifestyle Considerations:

- Avoid large meals, all forms of estrogen, oxidised fats, processed dairy, and tap water.- Opt for organic, hormone-free products and filtered water.- Check labels on food and cosmetics to avoid endocrine disruptors.

For those on HRT or the Pill, consider tapering off gradually while using progesterone to ease symptoms.

For more information see our page on Estrogen Dominance.

Jun 28, 2024

The Power of Natural Progesterone: A Comprehensive Remedy for Health Issues

3D progesterone molecule

Progesterone, one of the oldest known hormones on Earth, is fundamental to the well-being of all vertebrates, including fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Despite its association with female reproductive health, natural progesterone is crucial for both sexes and all age groups, helping regulate blood sugar, develop intelligence, build bones, and facilitate brain activity. It acts as a precursor to other vital hormones like oestrogen and testosterone.

Discovered in 1934 by William Allen and George Corner, and later synthesised from the plant steroid diosgenin in 1943 by Russell Marker, natural progesterone has a broad spectrum of therapeutic potentials. It addresses health issues ranging from postnatal psychosis and traumatic brain injuries to myopathy, peripheral neuropathy, cancer, pregnancy complications, migraines, menopause symptoms, and more.

Our bodies produce progesterone primarily in the ovaries and testes, with minor contributions from the adrenal glands, brain, and glial cells. However, confusion often arises between natural progesterone and synthetic versions like progestins and progestogens. Unlike natural progesterone, these synthetic counterparts have altered molecular structures, making them patentable but also potentially toxic. They are linked to numerous side effects such as increased risk of congenital abnormalities, fluid retention, epilepsy, asthma, depression, cardiac and renal dysfunction, and even cancer.

One essential lesson is the profound impact of even minor differences in molecular structures on the body's functioning. For instance, the structural distinctions between estradiol and testosterone are minute but determine significant physiological traits like gender.

Additionally, so-called "yam extracts" or "yam creams," which contain the plant steroid diosgenin, cannot be converted by the body into progesterone. While they may offer some adaptogenic benefits, they do not correct hormonal imbalances.

Natural progesterone's essential role in health and life itself cannot be overstated. For further in-depth information and to explore the science behind natural progesterone, please visit our main website. Learning about this crucial hormone can open doors to better health and well-being.

Jun 25, 2024

Does Progesterone Cream Help with Endometriosis Symptoms?


Endometriosis is a debilitating condition affecting approximately 20% of women worldwide during their reproductive years. This condition occurs when endometrial cells, typically lining the uterus, are found growing in other areas of the body, including the pelvic region, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and even the brain and lungs. These ectopic endometrial cells respond to hormonal changes in the same way as those in the uterus, leading to severe pain and other symptoms such as lower back pain, painful intercourse, bowel and urinary discomfort, fatigue, and infertility.

Research has highlighted that women with endometriosis tend to have insufficient progesterone production and a shorter luteal phase. This imbalance can result in the endometrium not responding adequately to the progesterone stimulus, necessitating supplemental progesterone.

The Role of Progesterone in Managing Endometriosis

Progesterone is a hormone essential for regulating the menstrual cycle and maintaining pregnancy. It also has an anti-proliferative effect on endometrial tissue, counteracting the growth-promoting effects of oestrogen. This makes progesterone a potentially valuable treatment for endometriosis. Supplemental progesterone, in the form of natural progesterone cream, can help alleviate symptoms by providing the hormonal support that the body lacks.

How to Use Progesterone Cream for Endometriosis

Administering natural progesterone cream can be particularly beneficial for managing endometriosis symptoms. The usual dosage ranges from 100-200mg/day. It is advisable to start with a higher dose to overcome the initial resistance, with some severe cases requiring even more.

For those with regular menstrual cycles, the cream should be applied during the last 14 days of the cycle, from ovulation to the onset of menstruation. In the absence of a regular cycle or in cases of severe pain, using the cream daily for the first two to three months is recommended. This approach involves rubbing the cream over the painful areas. Once symptoms improve, a cyclic method can be adopted to help recalibrate the body's natural cycle.

Complementary Treatments for Endometriosis

While progesterone cream offers relief, addressing oxidative stress is crucial since it plays a role in the disease's progression. Therefore, incorporating high doses of antioxidants such as N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and vitamin D is vital. NAC helps in the cellular synthesis of glutathione, an essential antioxidant, with a recommended dosage of at least 5000mg/day.

Vitamin D deficiency is common and exacerbates endometriosis symptoms. Testing for vitamin D levels and maintaining a minimum intake of 5000IU/day is essential, with higher doses needed in cases of severe deficiency.


Endometriosis remains a complex condition with no definitive cure. However, the use of natural progesterone cream can significantly improve symptoms for many women. When used correctly, it helps restore hormonal balance and reduce the growth of ectopic endometrial tissue. Coupled with antioxidant therapy and vitamin D supplementation, natural progesterone offers a holistic approach to managing endometriosis symptoms. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalised advice and treatment plans.

Jun 16, 2024

Endometrial Hyperplasia

My doctor wants to put me on Prometrium to treat endometrial hyperplasia due to estrogen dominance to shrink the thickness. I am uncertain about taking

Continue reading "Endometrial Hyperplasia"

Jun 15, 2024


I’ve started using bio identical progesterone pills and worked my way up to 800mg. 200 morning, 200 lunchtime and 400 before bed. I don’t have very high

Continue reading "Kathy"

Jun 11, 2024


Hi I’ve not been on this site for few years but have been using progesterone cream for 16 years 300 to 500 mg a day with very few breaks along with 5000

Continue reading "NAC"

Jun 03, 2024

Is it safe to use progesterone cream while pregnant?

progesterone cream for pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormonal balance is crucial for the health of the mother and the developing baby. Progesterone, a key hormone in maintaining pregnancy, naturally increases to support the growing foetus. Given its importance, it's understandable why some women consider using progesterone cream, especially when facing hormonal imbalances or a history of miscarriages.

Progesterone helps prepare the uterus for embryo implantation and supports early pregnancy by maintaining the uterine lining. This hormone is produced by the ovaries and later by the placenta, which can increase progesterone levels up to 50 times those found in non-pregnant women. Despite this natural increase, some women continue to experience adverse symptoms throughout their pregnancy, which might indicate insufficient progesterone levels, potentially increasing the risk of complications.

Medical professionals might recommend progesterone supplementation for women with a history of PMS, habitual miscarriages, or those undergoing treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF). For those considering pregnancy, it's often advised to start progesterone a few days post-conception and continue throughout pregnancy. This can help alleviate common symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and headaches, which are typical in early pregnancy due to hormonal fluctuations.

If symptoms such as excessive nausea or extreme fatigue persist, the progesterone dose may be increased until relief is found. This adjustment helps until the placenta is fully functional, around the fourth month, when it takes over progesterone production. Conversely, if symptoms are mild or absent, the progesterone dose can be gradually reduced. Do not discontinue using progesterone whilst pregnant as a sudden drop may lead to miscarriage.

Progesterone plays a crucial role in preventing miscarriages, particularly early in the pregnancy. In cases of a defective luteal phase—when the interval between ovulation and menstruation is too short for proper implantation— supplementing with progesterone cream can be critical. By extending the luteal phase, progesterone therapy supports the embryo's successful implantation and early growth, reducing the risk of miscarriage.

Progesterone may also play a role in managing pre-eclampsia risks. This condition, characterised by high blood pressure and protein in the urine in late pregnancy, can pose serious risks to both mother and child. As observed in studies, symptoms of pre-eclampsia mirror severe PMS, and supplemental progesterone has shown potential in reducing these symptoms.

Postnatal depression (PND) is another area where progesterone therapy has shown promise. Providing adequate progesterone post-delivery may help reduce the risk of PND, especially in women predisposed to severe PMS or those who have experienced PND in previous pregnancies.

Using progesterone cream during pregnancy can be highly beneficial for women with hormonal imbalances, a history of miscarriages, or those undergoing fertility treatments. The decision to use progesterone cream should always be based on individual health needs and under the guidance of a medical professional who understands natural hormonal therapies, to ensure the best outcomes for both mother and baby.

Jun 01, 2024

Progesterone Cream Pecentage

Hi, Just had a question regarding progesterone cream percentages. As mentioned on the site, Natpro is A 3.33% progesterone cream. As I await an order arrival,

Continue reading "Progesterone Cream Pecentage"

May 09, 2024

Natpro dosage for a 42-year-old with a light menstrual cycle monthly

Hello Wray, I recently purchased Natpro, as I have been trying to come off of oral progesterone because of the sedative effects. I'm not sure if I'm going

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May 06, 2024

Bleeding every two weeks

38 yrs old been on 200 mg progesterone cream a few months contnuiously (100 morning and 100mg evening) now suddenly get period every week or two. Will

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May 02, 2024

Best progesterone cream for sleep problems

progesterone cream for sleep

If you're struggling with sleep issues and seeking a natural solution, bio-identical progesterone cream might be worth considering. Natural progesterone has been studied extensively and shown to have significant sleep-promoting effects. This article explores the best bio-identical progesterone creams available and how they can help alleviate sleep problems.

What is Bio-Identical Progesterone?

Bio-identical progesterone refers to a type of hormone that is chemically identical to the progesterone produced by the human body. Unlike synthetic progestins, which can have varying structures and effects, bio-identical progesterone offers a natural approach that is in harmony with your body’s own chemistry.

How Does Progesterone Help with Sleep?

Research highlights that progesterone influences sleep through its modulation of GABAA receptors, much like benzodiazepines, which are commonly prescribed for sleep issues. Studies have shown that progesterone can decrease the time it takes to fall asleep and reduce the number of awakenings during the night, thus enhancing sleep quality. Progesterone also raises serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is the precursor to melatonin, the 'sleep' hormone.

The Best Bio-Identical Progesterone Creams for Sleep:

When choosing a bio-identical progesterone cream, consider products that are:

1. USP Grade: Ensure the progesterone is USP (United States Pharmacopeia) grade, indicating it meets strict quality standards.

2. Paraben-Free: Look for creams that do not contain parabens, as these chemicals can disrupt hormone balance.

Here are some top recommended bio-identical progesterone creams:

•Natpro: Natural Organic Progesterone Cream. Known for its quality organic ingredients, is soy-free and made with USP grade progesterone.

•Emerita Pro-Gest Cream: Made with USP grade progesterone and has been clinically-tested and trusted for over 35 years.

•Smoky Mountain Naturals Progesterone Cream: This cream is soy-free and non-GMO.

Guidelines for Using Progesterone Cream:

-Talk to a healthcare provider before starting any new hormonal treatment, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.

-Apply as directed: Progesterone cream can be used anywhere on the body. The skin comprises 95% kerotinocytes, these have ample progesterone receptor sites.

-Consistent use: It may take a few weeks to notice improvements in sleep patterns, so consistent application as per the product’s guideline is crucial.


Bio-identical progesterone cream can be a viable and natural option for individuals facing sleep difficulties due to hormonal imbalances or menopausal symptoms. By choosing a high-quality, bio-identical progesterone cream and following application guidelines carefully, many can experience improved sleep quality and overall well-being. Always consult with a healthcare provider to ensure that it is a safe option for your specific health needs.


Progesterone-induced changes in sleep in male subjects

The American Journal of Physiology: Progesterone induces changes in sleep comparable to those of agonistic GABAA receptor modulators

Psychopharmacology: The GABAA receptor antagonist picrotoxin attenuates most sleep changes induced by progesterone

Effects of progesterone

May 01, 2024

7 miss carriages

i have had 7 miss carriages . one pregnancy was twins . my progesterone stop increasing after 7 weeks only one with twins went till 9 weeks but even with

Continue reading "7 miss carriages "

May 01, 2024

Trying to contact you and no replies regarding RETURNS.

Hi, I used the 'contact us' button and submitted a question several days ago and I've yet to hear back from anyone so I'll ask here - I need to submit

Continue reading "Trying to contact you and no replies regarding RETURNS."

Apr 29, 2024

Can progesterone cream increase breast cancer risk?

scientist weighs the options

If you've heard that progesterone cream can increase the risk of breast cancer, it's essential to clarify that the confusion arises from a misunderstanding. It's crucial to distinguish between natural progesterone and synthetic progestins, (progestogen, progestogens, progestins, Medroxyprogesterone, gestagen, gestogen), used in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and contraceptives. They are not the same, and this difference is at the root of the misconception that natural progesterone poses a cancer risk.

Oestrogen is responsible for the growth of hormonally sensitive cells. Yet, when in excess, it can increase the risk of gigantomastia, gynaecomastia, and even breast cancer. It can also disrupt ovulation and increase the risk of heavy bleeding and endometrial cancer. However, progesterone can reverse these effects and potentially provide benefits against conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, and cancer.

Evidence suggests that only 5% of cancers are genetic, while a staggering 95% are influenced by environmental factors such as pollutants, processed food, and misuse of prescription drugs like oestrogen. The long-term use of contraceptives and HRT without progesterone has been linked to an increased risk of endometrial and breast cancer.

In 2002, the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) suddenly halted due to a rise in breast cancer, heart disease, and strokes among women on HRT. Furthermore, synthetic and bio-identical oestrogen, used in HRT since the 1950s, has been linked with higher rates of endometrial and breast cancer. Findings such as these have led to a decline in the use of HRT.

A comprehensive review of medical literature has found that the use of natural progesterone in postmenopausal women does not increase the risk of breast cancer. Synthetic progestins and natural progesterone have significantly different effects on the human body at the cellular level.

Studies involving 86,881 postmenopausal women showed that natural progesterone significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer compared to synthetic progestins. Lower than normal levels of serum progesterone have also been linked to a higher risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women. Natural progesterone can protect against hormone-driven oestrogen responsive cancers and provide a healthier hormonal balance in women. It's important to understand the benefits of natural progesterone and the risks of synthetic progestins to make more informed decisions about hormone therapies.

The key message is that natural progesterone should not be confused with synthetic progestins. The latter have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, whereas natural progesterone has protective effects. As more research unfolds, it becomes increasingly evident that progesterone cream does not increase the risk of breast cancer; on the contrary, it might play a crucial role in prevention.

Apr 28, 2024

How to Apply Progesterone Cream for Menopause

applying cream

Progesterone cream is a type of bio-identical hormone therapy (BHT). Unlike synthetic hormones, these mimic the body’s natural hormones, and are easily absorbed through the skin. Progesterone cream can help balance the ratio between progesterone and oestrogen in the body, reducing the intensity of menopausal symptoms.

1. Application: Choosing the Right Cream: Always go for a high-quality progesterone cream that contains USP grade progesterone. Avoid creams containing petroleum or mineral oil as they can inhibit the absorption of progesterone and contain endocrine disruptors.

2. Amount: We recommend using between 100mg to 200mg of progesterone cream daily, but it can vary according to individual symptoms and doctor's recommendation.

3. Application Areas: Progesterone cream can be used anywhere on the body, it does not have to be applied to the thin skinned areas only. It can also be applied inside the vagina, it is soothing and can be used as a lubricant for intercourse.

4. Apply the Cream: Squeeze the recommended amount of cream onto your hand and apply it to the selected area. Rub it until it has been completely absorbed by your skin.

5. Timing: Apply twice daily, use half the dose in the morning and the other half in the evening, to maintain levels. You do not need to take a break from using progesterone when in menopause as there is no menstrual cycle to follow.

6. Excessive Stress drops progesterone levels sharply, so symptoms can return. Increase the amount of cream used over any stressful period.

It's important to understand that hormone levels fluctuate from woman to woman. Consequently, the effects of the progesterone cream will also differ. Some may see significant relief in their symptoms shortly after beginning their regimen, for others, it may take a few months depending on the severity of symptoms.

Side Effects:

Initially progesterone has a stimulatory effect. This is because progesterone activates the oestrogen receptors so making oestrogen the dominant hormone, this can initially exacerbate symptoms. As progesterone becomes the dominant hormone symptoms begin to ease. Some women never experience oestrogen dominance, in others it can take several days, whilst in others it can last longer. Much depends on the amount of excess oestrogen that is present. It is essential to use enough progesterone to overcome the excess oestrogen and allow progesterone to take effect.

In conclusion, progesterone cream can be an effective solution for managing menopause symptoms. By knowing how to apply progesterone cream properly, you can maximise its benefits and improve your quality of life during this transitional phase.

Remember, menopause is a natural phase of life. With the right guidance and resources like natural progesterone cream at your disposal, you can navigate it more smoothly and comfortably. Speak to your doctor today about whether progesterone cream could be the ideal solution for your menopause symptoms. Ensure to find a health care provider that has a thorough understanding of bio-identical progesterone and how to administer it.

Apr 28, 2024

Defective luteal phase, TTC

I started taking Natpro because out of nowhere I started spotting 3-4 days before my period. This lasted maybe 4 cycles before I found Natpro. Prior to

Continue reading "Defective luteal phase, TTC "

Apr 26, 2024

Does progesterone cream help with weight loss?

balance the scales for weight loss with progesterone cream

Struggling with weight gain or not being able to shed excess mass? If you have addressed your diet and exercise regime then you may want to look into the role hormones play in the arena of weight management.

Hormonal imbalances can lead to a variety of adverse symptoms. A prime example is oestrogen dominance, a state stemming from naturally high oestrogen levels or extended use of HRT or contraceptives, resulting in low progesterone levels. For those battling obesity, this hormonal imbalance can exacerbate health issues.

Studies indicated that obese individuals typically exhibit lower levels of progesterone and higher levels of a form of oestrogen known as estradiol (E2). Fortunately, with progesterone therapy, reestablishing hormone balance and possibly aiding weight loss becomes feasible.

Initiating therapy may lead to initial discomfort and weight gain as progesterone stimulates the oestrogen receptors. Oestrogen causes water retention and stimulates fat cells to develop. Once this initial phase is over and progesterone becomes dominant, the water retention stops. Progesterone is an excellent diuretic. As oestrogen is suppressed the fat cells are no longer stimulated either. However, the salient point herein is to ensure an adequate dosage of progesterone. Insufficient intake can leave individuals in a continual state of oestrogen dominance, about 100-200mg/day of progesterone to counteract the excess oestrogen and mitigate symptoms is recommended.

Stressful periods or sizeable meals can disrupt progesterone levels, throwing off the balance process. You may need to increase the amount of progesterone used over any stressful time.

Diet modifications like reducing fried food, pasteurised milk, and non-organic dairy products, and increasing vitamin D-rich foods can influence oestrogen's impact on your body positively.

While research correlating progesterone directly to weight loss is limited, it does play a key role in regulating hormonal balance, a factor inherently tied to weight management. It's clear that maintaining a healthy balance of hormones is vital for overall wellbeing, and progesterone cream could significantly aid in this pursuit.

Remember, ultimate weight management isn't just about losing weight but about healthy, sustainable change. Consult a healthcare professional who has an understanding of bio-identical hormones and their administration before integrating supplements into your weight loss plan.


Adipose tissue as a source of hormones

Catch it before it kills: progesterone, obesity, and the prevention of endometrial cancer

Estradiol acutely inhibits whole body lipid oxidation and attenuates lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue: a randomized, placebo-controlled study in postmenopausal women

Adiposity and sex hormones across the menstrual cycle: the BioCycle Study

Physiological Action of Progesterone in Target Tissues

Analysis of the relationship between estrogen-induced proliferation and progesterone receptor expression

Effects of 17beta-estradiol on preadipocyte proliferation in human adipose tissue: Involvement of IGF1-R signaling

Apr 25, 2024

Discover the Top Organic Progesterone Cream Brands

cream tubes and progesterone molecules

Finding natural solutions to hormonal problems is a quest for many women worldwide. Organic progesterone creams emerge as a favoured choice offering a natural balance without the complications attached to synthetic options. This has led to a surge in demand for organic hormone-related products. This article shines a light on some of the outstanding organic progesterone cream brands currently available.

Emerita: A Forerunner of Progesterone Creams

One of the household names in the organic progesterone cream market is 'Emerita Pro-Gest Progesterone Cream'. Emerita has been offering products that are free of parabens and fragrances and not tested on animals, for over 35 years. The cream's main ingredient is pure organic progesterone derived from wild yam, ensuring its organic credentials.

Natpro: Organic Products for Life

Natpro places a significant emphasis on sourcing high-quality, organic materials for their products. They have been on the market for almost 30 years and believe in the importance of maintaining a delicate balance without disturbing nature’s rhythm. Natpro organic bio-identical progesterone cream is loyal to this ethos — it is paraben-free, environmentally friendly, and derived from yam, standing clear of animal testing and synthetic fragrances. Their production adheres strictly to the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines, ensuring consistent standards and top-grade quality.

The Natural Source: Source Naturals

'Source Naturals Progesterone Cream' is another brand making waves in the market. It boasts a rich blend of natural and organic ingredients such as aloe vera, wild yam extract, lecithin phospholipids, and essential oils. This soy-free, fragrance-free and paraben-free cream guarantees a soothing and all-natural experience.

Life-Flo: Blending Science and Nature (Now partnered with Emerita)

Present in the arena is also 'Life-Flo HealthCare Pure Progesterone Cream'. It banks on its organic reputation using wild yam as a source and providing a powerful 1120mg of progesterone per ounce. The cream, free from parabens and artificial fragrances, makes a robust case for organic skin care.

Smoky Mountain: Bringing the Natural Mirage to Life

Our list also features 'Smoky Mountain Naturals Progesterone Cream' which offers the concept of bioidentical progesterone. This means it's chemically identical to the progesterone naturally produced by our body thereby enhancing its effectiveness. Packed with natural, non-GMO ingredients like coconut oil, and shea butter, Smoky Mountain delivers both organic quality and effectiveness.

In today's era where hormonal imbalances and associated health issues are common, organic products like progesterone creams are proving to be the beacon of hope for many women. Brands like Emerita, Natpro, Source Naturals, Life-Flo, and Smoky Mountain are leading the way providing women with natural and healthy options for hormone regulation.

Always consult with your healthcare provider to make the best choice for your health, as what works best for one person may not work as well for another. The potential of organic progesterone creams presents an exciting avenue to explore. Choose organic, Choose balance!

Apr 24, 2024


Does progesterone help with binging? since starting it it felt like my urge to binge mellowed out, but now that I'm having pms I feel like binging again.

Continue reading "binging"

Apr 24, 2024

The Essential Role of Bio-Identical Progesterone Cream for Perimenopause Symptoms

progesterone balancing cream

Navigating perimenopause, a period when progesterone becomes crucial for a woman’s well-being, can be quite challenging as one grapples with an array of symptoms. From the age of around 35, the production of progesterone dips, while oestrogen levels remain consistent until menopause. Why does this happen? The answer is anovulation – a phase when ovulation declines, leading to low progesterone levels.

Understanding the Monthly Cycle and How Progesterone Fits In:

The first half of a woman's monthly cycle, known as the follicular phase, can range from seven to twenty-one days. Here, progesterone levels are minimal, and the hormones oestrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are dominant. Once the egg matures, the luteinising hormone (LH) causes the Graafian follicle to burst, releasing the egg – a process known as ovulation. The luteal phase begins – the follicle, now called the corpus luteum, produces progesterone, the dominant hormone for the next fourteen days.

Perimenopause: A State of Unpredictability and Imbalance

Perimenopause results in erratic cycles with fluctuating bleeding patterns, becoming anything from very light to extremely heavy, 2 to 3 months apart, often with clots and at times, pain. While progesterone usually helps regulate the cycle, it's unable to do so once perimenopause sets in. Consequently, perimenopause is no longer about insufficient hormones but rather the imbalance between progesterone and oestrogen that triggers the symptoms.

The Saving Grace: Bio-Identical Natural Progesterone Cream

Supplementing with bio-identical natural progesterone cream can provide relief to the array of symptoms experienced during this phase of life, in a natural and non-invasive way.

Successful studies on progesterone advocated the use of 100-200 mg/day, which equates to 3ml to 6 ml of a 3.33% bio-identical progesterone cream (like Natpro) per day. This cream can alleviate a slew of symptoms generated during perimenopause such as anxiety, arthritis, agoraphobia, constipation, depression, dizziness, insomnia, cravings, palpitations, hair loss, mood swings, weight gain, and countless more.

Remember, it's not about the potency of the hormones but the ratio between them, so a comprehensive hormone testing on the appropriate day of your cycle is advisable.

Undeniably, perimenopause creates a state of hormone upheaval, but it doesn't have to dictate your life. Incorporate bio-identical natural progesterone cream into your self-care routine, and reclaim control over your well-being.

Always consult with a healthcare provider for individualised information on using bio-identical progesterone cream. You’re not alone on this journey; make bio-identical natural progesterone cream your hormonal ally and bring wellness back into your life.

Apr 02, 2024

breakthrough bleeding

Age 38 - Started progesterone after having a period at the beginning of March (periods are not regular...typically along cycle with heavy bleeding at the

Continue reading "breakthrough bleeding"

Mar 25, 2024

How long can you use progesterone cream for?

Hello, I believe I am currently in the peri men0pausal phase in my life. Is it safe to use bio identical progesterone cream indefinitely? I was reading

Continue reading "How long can you use progesterone cream for?"

Mar 25, 2024


I would like to try this for menopause symptoms. I’m 6 yrs post menopause & have felt unwell throughout this journey. Is it definitely safe to take ? I

Continue reading "Ilene"

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