
Castor Oil

by claire

I've been using 200mg progesterone cream for probably almost a year now. I still seem to have some estrogen dominance....I also supplement with vitamin d3 and K2, and magnesium. I'm currently in perimenopause, but I was wondering your thoughts on adding castor oil packs, or castor oil to the belly button. I've heard this may also help with hormones. What are your thoughts on castor oil? Thank you so much!

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Jan 22, 2025
Castor Oil
by: Joy

Hi Claire

I noticed that you posted this 6 times, did you experience problems?

If you are still battling Estrogen Dominance, you need to increase the amount of progesterone, experiment to see what suits you, especially during Peri-Menopause. Once you feel stable and the adverse symptoms have cleared, you can slowly reduce the amount used.

I see no reason why you shouldn't try castor oil. Personally, it did nothing for me at all. Apart from helping to make your skin feel softer, I found it a big hype. Try it and see how you get on.

Jan 23, 2025
Castor OIl
by: Louise

Castor oil packs can be very detoxifying. But never use them during a bleed. I used to need them mid cycle to relieve heaviness, but now my ED is largely sorted out I no longer use them. You can find good videos on how to make and apply a castor oil pack online.

Obv they are good for all organs in your abdomen - not just the womb - a great relief from constipation etc. Again, since using Natpro I haven't had issues there either

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