
Low to no progesterone at 25 years

by Amanda

Help!! I'm 25 years old and have a beautiful 3 year old daughter. My problems started after she was born.

Six weeks after I gave birth I started getting my period every 2 weeks. My doctor put me on a birth control pill to help regulate it. It went back to normal 28 day cycle. When I stopped breast feeding 5 months later I went off that pill as it was low dose safe to take while breast feeding. Wanting to see if my period would straighten out I stayed off any type of b.c. with that I had no period for 3 months. Finally got my period back for a couple months went back to the doc and back on Alesse. Everything was working good.

Last July of 2009 I went off the pill as we wanted to conceive our second child. My period came every 30+ days for 2 months then stopped. It came back in Dec. just in time for our trip to Mexico of course and that has been the last time I have had a period.

My doc tested my hormones and I have very very low progesterone. He put me on some pills which would start my period then take another dose after 19th day of cycle. However, my period would end and start up again within a week. Frusterating me and my doc. Finally got through 19 days and things started going back to normal. He wanted me to continue the process for 3 months which I did after that I went off everything and my period stopped again. My doc has referred me to a ob/gyn which I will see tomorrow but I am so clueless as to what questions to ask.

Has anyone had the same thing happen to them? If so what worked and what didn't. I have had normal periods my whole life up until after my daughter was born. I was on Alesse for about 4 years before and got pregnant while on it. I have neck and facial hair growing, i'm tired and trying to lose weight but nothing is happening. I'm frusterated and I want to get pregnant. Help!

Comments for Low to no progesterone at 25 years

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Sep 15, 2010
Re: Low to no progesterone
by: Anonymous

It's very common after having a child that the dramatic drop in progesterone levels leaves a woman with estrogen dominance. The "safe" BC you were on while you were breast feeding is a progesten only pill - synthetic hormones, not to be confused with natural progesterone. Excess bleeding is an estrogen dominance symptom so you will need to support yourself with progesterone. You mention your doc gave you pills. What are they? What is the dose? You should be asking these questions and the stop and start routine he has you on doesn't sound good. I recommend you spend some time on this website as there is a wealth of information. I strongly recommend going with natural progesterone to restore your balance.

Sep 17, 2010
After the visit with ob/gyn
by: Amanda

Well went to see the doc first time with him, not sure about what he's prescribed me. He prescribed me a pill that is used on type 2 diabetes and I'll get back with the correct name of it (starts with an M) anyways not sure why he'd prescribe that when he didn't even take a glucose test or any sort of test to know what the issue is. All I had was a consult, in the end I came out with this prescription and a scheduled endometrium biopsy? (take sample of fluid deep in the uterus) is what I understood. Its not going to harm me so I will do it as for the prescription i'm very weary i haven't taken any yet. I think i'll wait until i talk to him on the phone just to make sure it wasn't suppose to be something else and the phamacist just read it wrong. anyway any advice as to questions i should be asking would be welcomed. Thanks Amanda

Sep 19, 2010
Low to no progesterone at 25 years
by: Wray

Hi Amanda You were lucky the pill didn't cause post natal depression, please see our page on Contraceptives. It would have been far better to have given you progesterone, as the pill can upset the cycle, plus it suppresses progesterone levels. And I see he's now given you more drugs to kick start your cycle. And the obgyn will probably give you more. It sounds as if you could have insulin resistance, the pill can cause this. For more info please see our page on Insulin Resistance. Facial hair is a sign your testosterone level is too high, the excess weight that oestrogen is too high. It appears to me your ovaries have been damaged by the pill and are now malfunctioning. It could well be you are low in vitamin D too, for more info please see the Vitamin D council website. Progesterone does suppress excess oestrogen and testosterone, if you should consider using it, please see this web page we have on How to use progesterone cream. But before you do please read the page on Oestrogen Dominance. For more info on conception etc please see the page on Pregnancy. Take care Wray

Oct 03, 2010
After the visit with ob/gyn
by: Wray

Hi Amanda The drug is probably Metformin, it lowers blood glucose levels. But this doesn't get to the cause of the problem, it's only treating symptoms. In fact it sounds as if your doctor thinks you have PCOS, has he mentioned this to you? As Metformin is often given for it. We do have a page you could read on PCOS, please see here. Take care Wray

Oct 10, 2010
by: Anonymous

Hi Amanda, I have the same problem except that I haven't had a regular cycle since my miscarriage three years ago. I'm trying to get pregnant and haven't been able to get pregnant. The doc gave me the same pill (Metformin) but I feel no change.

Oct 10, 2010
by: Wray

Hi there Has your doctor mentioned PCOS to you, as it sounds as if he thinks you have it. Metormin reduces glucose levels, but as I said to Amanda, it doesn't cure the problem, it only treats the cause. Please see our page on PCOS. Plus our page on Insulin Resistance. There are many nutrients which reverse IR. We also have a page on Pregnancy, please read through it. Take care Wray

Jan 14, 2011
Blood clots
by: Anonymous

I am 39 years old and for the last year or so my periods come every three weeks and they mostly consist of huge blood clots. My life is on hold during my periods due to amount of blood these clots create. Also, I just recently suffered a miscarriage...I was 20 weeks along. That was 6 weeks ago and i haven't stopped bleeding since. The bleeding has been light but steady, but now on top of the miscarriage bleeding, I am on my period and the clotting is as bad as ever. Could all of this be due to low progesterone levels or estrogen dominance?

Jan 18, 2011
Blood clots
by: Wray

Hi there It's probably a bit of both. Oestrogen is a mitogen, it stimulates cells to grow. Vital in stimulating the endometrium each month to grow and thicken ready for a possible fertilised egg. But in excess it stimulates cells to continue growing. MMP?s are enzymes that break down protein. They play a role in the breakdown of endometrial tissues at the end of the menstrual cycle. If they are over active, as would be the case with excess oestrogen in the body, as oestrogen stimulates their production, the result is a pathological reaction. A high level of MMP's can lead to inflammation and excessive bleeding in the uterus. If a low level of progesterone is present, and a high level of oestrogen, the lining will continue to grow. With a high level of MMP's the lining will also continue to break down. Progesterone suppresses both MMP's and oestrogen. It is essential to use a high amount of progesterone, between 400-600mg/day. If the bleeding is continual, use it both daily and hourly. Using it hourly keeps the level high throughout the day. If there is a cycle, it?s best to ignore it and use the progesterone daily, hourly too, until the bleeding is under control. The progesterone can be used to regulate the cycle once bleeding has stopped. For more info on this please see our page on How to use progesterone Miscarriages are often caused by a lack of progesterone, we do have a page on Pregnancy too, please read through it. There are plenty of papers you can read too, showing how progesterone has been used successfully to prevent miscarriages. Take care Wray

Jan 20, 2011
blood clots and miscarriage
by: Anonymous

Hi, I asked the question on Jan. 14 regarding the blood clots I have been experiencing during my periods and the continual light bleeding since my miscarriage 6 weeks ago. You suggested I take a large amount of progesterone until the bleeding stops. I plan to do that, however, I ran across something on the internet where all these women wrote in and spoke of their horrible experiences on progesterone cream. Some spoke of having awful heart palpitations and racing heart, panic attacks, swelling of the hands, and weight gain. I already struggle with heart palpitations from time to time, so this really scares me. I'm so sick of this bleeding and clotting, yet I feel scared to take the progesterone cream now. Can you offer me any advice? Thanks so much!

Jan 23, 2011
blood clots and miscarriage
by: Wray

Hi there Unfortunately Oestrogen Dominance can occur and it puts people off using progesterone. Both progesterone and oestrogen activate each others receptor sites. As oestrogen is an excitatory hormone, affects as you've given above can occur. This usually lasts a few days, in some women it can last longer. It depends so much on the amount they use, how much oestrogen they have, stress and more. You've probably been reading about women on low amounts, this merely exacerbates the symptoms. For instance oestrogen causes prolongation of the QT interval, which results in palpitations, arrhythmia and Torsades de Pointes. Whereas progesterone shortens the QT interval, see here, here, here, here and here. Panic attacks occur when adrenaline rises excessively, more often than not due to a drop in blood glucose. Progesterone is an anxiolytic, see here, here and here. Oestrogen causes water retention, hence the swelling and stimulates cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells. Progesterone is an excellent diuretic, in fact so effective it's given via IV transfusion to brain trauma victims to prevent the oedema that forms, see here. I hope the papers help you decide. Take care Wray

Jan 28, 2011
Blood clots
by: Anonymous

Hi. Thanks so much for the advice. I have been using the natural progesterone cream for several days, several times a day, but the bleeding and clotting are just as bad as ever. I was wondering, how long does it take for the progesterone to balance things out and the bleeding to stop?
Also, I drink half a cup of aloe vera juice or gel twice a day and was wondering if aloe vera has estrogen properties? If so, could that be making things worse?

Feb 07, 2011
Blood clots
by: Wray

Hi there It can take many days to stop the bleeding, sometimes weeks. It depends on so many things, the severity, stress levels, nutrition, how much oestrogen is present, how low progesterone was to begin with, whether a women is in fact making any of her own. Are you using between 400mg to 600mg per day? I've found it does have to be in this range before it's stops. There is no evidence at all that aloe vera is oestrogenic, what I don't know is if it will help stop the bleeding. It is an anti-inflammatory, so there's no harm in continuing with it. I grow a plant in a pot, and it goes with me on every house move I make! It has the most remarkable soothing and healing properties, particularly for burns. Take care Wray

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