
Question about Synthroid and Progesterone Use

by Julie
(Albuquerque, NM USA)

I have been using progesterone cream at 100 mg for eight days now, and I feel much better. The first five days or so I felt a bit wonky: shaky and too euphoric (if that’s possible), and having flare-ups of eczema. Today I feel really good, calm but with energy. I hope this continues as I feel hopeful.

I am 51 and have been having estrogen-dominance symptoms: extreme moodiness and anxiety, very painful, fibrocystic breasts (I had a baseball-sized cyst aspirated since it showed no signs of going away), and hot flashes for about a year. I had been on DIM when the breast cysts began, and that worked for awhile but stopped.

I had a hysterectomy (I kept my ovaries) 20 years ago for unexplained, profuse bleeding. I was shot up with Depro-Provera, but that had no effect. I have been on anti-depressants for 30 years (just going off two months ago) for severe depression and have had bad acne since I was 12 (still have some). I was on birth control pills to help with hormone imbalances, but that never worked.

Maybe my hormones will finally be balanced. I do have a question. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 4 months ago (TSH was 4.75) and am on 50 mcg of Synthroid and my TSH is now 2. Will there be any problems with being both on Synthroid and using the 100mg of progesterone cream? I am also taking 666 mg of L-Tryptophan at night for sleep help.

Thanks so much for this site. I feel like a different person.

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Apr 02, 2012
Question about Synthroid and Progesterone Use
by: Wray

Hi Julie I get very sad when I read a story such as yours, when I look back over mine too. The answers are all so simple, with simple remedies too, we don't need the surgery or drugs we're subjected to. The heavy bleeding is explained on our Menstruation page. You might like to see this comment here about heavy bleeding, in case you have a friend or daughter who is about to have a hyst for it. And please see this page on Breast Cysts and this onBreast Tenderness. We also have a page on Oestrogen Dominance. Please read through this, as I'm not sure if the 100mg/day progesterone is enough for you, and it might come out of the blue. We also have a page on Hot Flushes too. I have found 400mg/day is needed to stop them. Progesterone does help with Anxiety and depression, so do a number of other nutrients listed on the page. Acne is caused by excess free testosterone, which in turn rises if sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) falls. If bound to SHBG testosterone becomes inactive, progesterone raises levels of SHBG, see here, so preventing the rise of free testosterone. SHBG drops if sugars are eaten, even those found in all grains, legumes, dairy and sweet starchy fruits and vegetables. Fructose, sucrose and glucose (all carbs are converted into glucose), reduce SHBG by 80, 50 and 40% respectively, see here. It's best to avoid all the foods and sugars mentioned. Progesterone does help sleep, see here, here and here. I'm pleased you're taking the tryp, as I recommend that too. Continued below.

Apr 02, 2012
Question about Synthroid and Progesterone Use Part 2
by: Wray

Hi Julies They only seem to have tested your TSH, this is a pituitary hormone, I liken it to a whip on the donkeys back, beating the thyroid to make T4! But what if it can’t, not because it’s not capable of it, but because other factors are preventing it? The critical thyroid hormone is T3. T4 is relatively inactive, whereas T3 is the active form. If rT3 is present in amounts higher than it should be, it suppresses T3. Did they check T3 and rT3 levels? T4 and T3 are made from the amino acid tyrosine plus iodine. Selenium is an important co-factor. Did they check these levels? Excess oestrogen and parathyroid hormone suppress thyroid activity. Did they check oestrogen and parathyroid levels? Vitamin D is essential for maintaining normal calcium metabolism, low levels result in hyperparathyroidism, which suppresses thyroid activity. Did they check your vitamin D levels? If not please have a test done, this has a huge bearing on the thyroid, see here, here and here. Vitamin D is also essential for any skin problems. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Thanks for the kind words! Take care Wray

Apr 03, 2012
A bit confused?
by: Julie

Hi, Wray,

Thanks a million for your response. I feel as if I’m finally getting some real help. (I felt pretty sorry for myself as I was typing my story to you and hope many women can avoid the same fate).

My T3 levels (Free T3 2.8, Total T3 103) are within range as are my T4 (7.1) and antibodies (one of my sisters has Hashimoto’s. My mom and both sisters have been diagnosed as hypothyroid). I haven’t had rT3 nor have I had parathyroid checked. I just read about rT3. Lots of overwhelming information.

I haven’t had my Vitamin D tested.

I just got the results back from saliva tests for Estradiol (1.53 pg) and Progesterone (662.64) with a ratio of 433.10. Their conclusions: Progesterone and estradiol appear well balanced. The reported severe symptoms strongly suggest adrenal gland dysfunction and metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance). DHEA, testosterone and diurnal cortisol levels are a consideration.

All my cholesterol tests were within range.

I’m confused as to how to proceed.



Apr 04, 2012
A bit confused?
by: Wray

Hi Julie Your hormone test shows your P:E2 ratio is certainly higher than most I've seen. But from Saliva Tests we run, we've found the ratio is best if it's 600:1 and over to feel well. I still think the 100mg/day is not enough, please consider increasing to 200mg/day and see if that helps. You might like to see this page here for encouragement. And this one here on very high levels. Please get your vitamin D checked, your mother and sisters too. The adrenals are the most overworked and overlooked glands in the body. Progesterone can help, as it lessens the stress response. It activates the GABA receptor sites, GABA is one of the most calming neurotransmitters, taurine and glycine are very calming too. The adrenals first secrete progesterone, which they then convert into cortisol. If stressed they tend to rob other sources, notably the ovaries if present. This drops progesterone levels. Please look through our page on Insulin Resistance for any clues to whether you have it or not. Please don't use either DHEA or testosterone, the latter increases testosterone levels. This leads to an increase in ovarian cysts, visceral fat, insulin resistance, heart disease and cancer, see here, here, here, here here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Take care Wray

Apr 04, 2012
Many thanks
by: Anonymous

Thank you, Wray!



Mar 12, 2019
No answer
by: Anonymous

I saw the question posted and was hoping somewhere in all those knowledgeable answers, that I could actually see an answer to the question she posted regarding progesterone and synthesis together... but after reading through all of answer was given

Mar 13, 2019
by: Julie

I have been using the cream and taking Synthroid with success since I first asked the question. I did add DIM to the routine since I'm very estrogen dominant. Hot flashes are at a bare minimum now.

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