
Will progesterone help me?

by Sammi Jo

I am kinda worried about my symptoms now because my doctor is a difficult one to get a straight answer from! I am 22 years old. I have a son that's 4 and a daughter that's 2.

I first started to notice my problems after the birth of my son. About 1 1/2 years after he was born I went 6 months without a period. I was not on any type of birth control and it made me think I could be pregnant. So I went to the OB/GYN and he said no pregnancy but did an ultrasound on my thyroids and a blood test. He said I was low on one hormone and gave me a pill that I took for 3 days. This started my periods back and it was suddenly very easy for me to lose weight! I lost 40 pounds in a month by simple stuff like cutting back what I was eating. Anyways, I lost the weight and got pregnant with my daughter. Since having her I have tried every diet imaginable, spent countless amounts of money on gym memberships and absolutely busted my butt and cannot lose the weight. I started a new years resolution this year that I was going to lose 80lbs. Since Jan 1st I have not had a single soft drink, no fast food, and I have been exercising every other day. I am GAINING a couple lbs each month. My hair is "shedding", I stay bloated or constipated. My muscles are constantly hurting, my hips and knees start hurting every night at bedtime. I AM GOING BROKE ON TYLENOL!

I went to my OB/GYN and presented all this again about a month ago and he tested my thyroids again and said that wasnt it and put me on a pill I take for 7 days one per month. I lost the script so I don't know what it was called, but he said it would cause me to have a period every month. I told him I am having them at random times. Sometimes there's 6 weeks in between and sometimes its only a few days.

Can progesterone help me and if so where can I get it? THANKS... and sorry for the book! LOL

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Jun 10, 2010
Will progesterone help me?
by: Wray

Hi Sammi Jo Thanks for the 'book', but it's short compared to some! Your blood sugar has definitely gone awol, and you probably now have insulin resistance. More on this here.

It could be you are not ovulating at the moment, as progesterone does help stabilise blood sugar. If you are not ovulating, and only making oestrogen and testosterone, this would also account for your symptoms. Oestrogen is an inflammatory hormone, it also causes us to retain water so bloating and constipation occur. Testosterone is responsible for hair shedding. An excess of both hormones would cause erratic cycles. Prolactin is always high after birth, it's the hormone involved in milk production. It could be yours is still high, this in turn upsets the luteal phase and ovulation, with a subsequent lack of progesterone. All four hormones should have been checked, insulin too, not the thyroid. The 'pill' you were offered was probably a progestin, not what you need as it suppresses progesterone. You might like to read what they can do to us here. I could well be wrong, but it all points to excess oestrogen and testosterone, possibly prolactin and insulin and a lack of progesterone. If you do decide to try it, please see here. You will probably need about 200mg/day progesterone to get your cycle regular and help with those symptoms. As you now have no idea when then occur I suggest you use a 28 day cycle to begin with. Please make a note of when your last period started, counting the first day of bleeding as day 1. Count 14 days, then start using the progesterone on day 15 for the next 14 days, then stop. You should bleed within a day or two. If you spot during this time continue with the progesterone, if you bleed, count the first day as day 1 and only start it again on day 15. Both spotting and bleeding mean your progesterone has dropped too low, so please increase the amount for the next cycle. Before you try the progesterone please see here. Take care Wray

Jun 10, 2010
Maybe it's thyroid
by: robyn

Morning Sammi. Drs aren't really good at picking up thyroid problems let alone treat them. Have a look at this web site stopthethyroidmadness. It is brilliant .

Jun 11, 2010
Maybe it's thyroid
by: W

Hi Robyn. I agree with you, it is a very good site and more should read it. It's very rare for more than TSH or T4 to be checked, and yet a lack of vitamin D could be the only thing which is wrong. Excess oestrogen also slows the thyroid too, excess adrenaline increases rT3 which prevents T3 from working... plus more! Take care, Wray

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