
Will I gain weight from progesterone therapy?

by Tanima Chowdhury

I am 24 yrs old. My cycles are almost regular but my problems are... acenes over my arms and back, thinning of hair due to hairfall and hairsuit (excessive body and facial hair growth).

My physician has asked me to take progerterone. Is progesterone right for me? If so... then am I going to gain weight from the therapy? Please reply.

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May 26, 2011
Wait for Wray's Response
by: CamperKat

Just want to give you some support until Wray has a chance to respond...she is super-busy and from what I gather is unable to get to people as quickly as she would like (she is a wonderful soul, as you must know by now!)

From the symptoms you describe, it sure sounds like you have polycystic ovary disease...not uncommon, and (1) at such a young age, you are fortunate to have found an MD who told you about natural progesterone cream--most women suffer for decades before they stumble across proper treatment for this. (2) You definitely you will improve with progesterone...your acne will go away, your hair will come back, you will NOT gain weight in the long may gain a pound or two initially because of the estrogen dominance response to the cream, but that will level off as your body adjusts to the progesterone, and you will find weight loss is actually inevitable if you watch what you eat (nothing radical--try to eat organic veggies/fruits, eat pasture-raised (grain fed) meats when you your carbs vs. protein levels, and in my opinion, avoid all soy protein isolates, {traditional soy like miso, tempeh and soy sauce is OK, but not the soy American companies use as protein replacement in power bars, shakes, breakfast cereal) and eat good fats like coconut oil, olive oil, real pasture butter, only cold-pressed canola oil. Again--only my opinion. Wray will tell you her expert recommendations, including probably supplements, about whic she is the expert for sure.)

Hang in there and wait for Wray's response...she'll fill you in on all you need to know! Good luck!

Jun 03, 2011
Will I gain weight from progesterone therapy?
by: Wray

Hi Tanima As CamperKat says, it sounds as it you have PCOS. All your symptoms fit. Please read through this page to get an idea of other symptoms you may have overlooked. Excess testosterone is causing the hair loss, facial and body hair and acne. A scan of your ovaries will show if they are covered in cysts. And a test for your LH and FSH levels will also prove it. LH is either the same level as FSH or higher if you have PCOS. The raised LH means it's trying to make you ovulate, do you know if you do? The link above explains everything, including all the supplements you should take. Progesterone is essential, but to reverse the PCOS other nutrients are also needed. In particular vitamin D, this is low in most of us. Please have a test done, for more info see the Vitamin D council and GrassrootsHealth websites. You say your doctor suggests you take progesterone, unfortunately oral progesterone is the least effective Delivery system. Most of the progesterone is destroyed by the gut and liver, leaving little to correct any imbalance. Injections, suppositories or the creams are better delivery systems. Oestrogen and only oestrogen can cause weight gain, it's a mitogen causing cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells. These are also a source of oestrogen, so a vicious cycle can start. Oestrogen also causes water retention, which leads to weight gain. Progesterone stops mitosis, plus it's an excellent diuretic. But before starting any progesterone please read our page on Oestrogen Dominance as this can occur. Initially progesterone stimulates oestrogen, which is why so many women complain of weight gain. They are all using far too low an amount. But if you use a sufficiently high amount of progesterone, this can be mild. And please follow all CamperKat's suggestions on foods to eat and those to avoid. Take care Wray

Jun 03, 2011
Wait for Wray's Response
by: Wray

Hi CamperKat Bless you for your support, yet again! And for the kind words too, they mean a great deal to me. I do believe Tanima does have PCOS, if not that, then certainly a high testosterone level. I'm surprised it wasn't checked. And your advice on foods echo mine, always organic if possible, and all those good oils too. Thanks again! And take care Wray

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