
Please help

by Pam
(Big Spring, Texs)

I am 60 years old. I have been on estrogen since I was 27. I had to have a total hysterectomy. Placed on estrogen only, but shots due to intolerance to the Premarin. I was also placed on Xanax to help with sleep since the estrogen shots really caused me to stop sleeping. I need some serious help. I went to a Dr. recently, and placed on the Wylie Protocol. I thought is was good to begin with, but shortly developed issues like bloating, constipation, extreme thirst, and very poor sleep even with taking the Xanax.

Can your pronat help me. I do not know how much to use plus I don't want the constipation and thirst I have been experiencing on the Wylie Protocol. I also read the Natpro was not in stock and would not be until Aug. 22nds. Can you help with this issue. If I order, I don't even know if I can get it. Please reply. I accidentally sent the wrong email on my last post.



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