
Please help - acne, progesterone, prolactin

by Christine
(New Jersy)

Because of adult acne, my 22-year-old daughter had a saliva hormone test which found her progesterone levels low. so doctor prescribed progesterone cream 2 mls daily. Immediately her acne became dramatically worse. Her gynecologist (not doctor who prescribed the progesterone) said saliva tests are not valid and suggested strongly we take her off the progesterone cream and do blood hormone testing instead. Blood hormone testing found prolactin levels somewhat elevate (35 as opposed to normal which is 4.8 to 25 range). what does all this mean?

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Jan 20, 2015
Please help - acne, progesterone, prolactin
by: Wray

Hi Christine Saliva Tests are valid, and in fact many doctors prefer them. But please read what Dr Zava has to say about them, he runs ZRT Labs and is an expert tin hormones. Your daughter is suffering from Oestrogen Dominance, this usually occurs when starting progesterone, and a low amount too. Please see our page on How to use Progesterone Cream and Acne. Take care Wray

Jan 20, 2015
Please help - acne, progesterone, prolactin
by: RJ

Hello Christine!
For the acne try diluted 50/50 mix of Bragg's apple cider vinegar. My 28 year old started that regimen over two years ago when her acne was awful...redness, pits, scars, welts and it just plain ole' hurt. I blame her bcp and happily she stopped them last month and now is seeing how important progesterone really is (I'm a 400 mg a day user for three years now), as I preach it continually to her LOL (we will never stop mothering). Since then she has started all the supplements I currently take and the only time it flares bad now is right before period (bcp again, I feel)....but makeup will cover it up now, whereas it didn't before. She also follows this regimen
I do too, not for acne, but dry, flaky skin. God Bless! RJ

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