
Pituitary Tumor- high prolactin level

by RJ

I hope to get some guidance for my situation so I can take control. I am 43 year old female and was diagnosed with a very small pituitary tumor 8 years ago.

It was small but resulted in irratic period 3 per year, nerve disorder in my right arm, etc. I changed my lifesyle and diet which helped greatly but now it is back. I have had no period for 6 months and a recent blood test show that my prolactin is very elevated. I am going to have a CT scan in a few days which may result in presciption drugs to lower the elevation and reduce the tumor.

My question is -- is there a natural solution? Can vitex and or l-tryosine also balance the elevation? Is there anything else I should consider?

Also is this a cause of too much estrogen or too much progesterone

Thanks for any and all responses.

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Nov 04, 2010
high prolactin
by: Anonymous

I was using Bromocriptene 2.5mg and that reduced the prolactin from 68 to 5 in 2 mths. after 12yrs using wanted to use alternative medicine to fight off the weight gain and lactose intolerance, which were then a side effect. I was on vitex and royal bee jelly with bee pollen and all kinds of supplements to support everything but it was so costly and my prolactin never went lower than 87 and finally it went up to 117, and my tumor went from size 0.007 to 0.009.

So 3 months ago I finally got a cat-scan and my endochronologist put me on a new drug called cabergoline 0.5mg ($160.00 for 8 pill)take 2 every week, and now after 2 mths. it is down to 0. I just love this medicine the only side effect from it is weight gain about 30lbs. I have Hypo-thyrodism too so I also take another hormone replacement, levothyroxine 88.5mcg. At the end conventional medicine along with alternative good nutrition really helps.

Nov 07, 2010
Pituitary Tumor- high prolactin level
by: Wray

Hi RJ I'm not aware of any natural remedy for reducing or getting rid of a pituitary tumour. But there are some which reduce prolactin levels. Oestrogen increases mitotic and secretory activity of lactotrophs or prolactin cells, which increases prolactin levels, see here. Contraceptives/HRT increase levels, as do oestrogen mimics found in our food, water, air and skin care, particularly sunscreens. As does stress, a lack of protein in the diet, a lack of tyrosine, a lack of progesterone. The most frequent symptom is hypogonadism in both genders. High prolactin inhibits the secretion of FSH and GnRH which leads to hypogonadism. This suppresses the ovulatory cycle causing irregular periods, anovulation, difficulty in falling pregnant, and a possible loss of libido and breast pain too. In some women, menstruation may disappear altogether. Prolactin counters the effect of dopamine. A high level of stress causes dopamine levels to drop and prolactin to rise. Tyrosine is the precursor to dopamine, a drop in tyrosine levels causes dopamine levels to drop, which stimulates prolactin release. Interestingly sufficient dopamine suppresses prolactin production. Dopamine is synthesised in nervous tissue and in the adrenals from tyrosine. This amino acid is not only the precursor to dopamine, but to the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline. These two hormones are synthesised from dopamine, and when stressed they are released. The greater the stress the lower dopamine drops. You are now in the beginning stages of Peri-menopause. Progesterone levels are naturally dropping, but oestrogen only drops at menopause. Prolactin is an inflammatory hormone if too high, there is evidence that prolactin is involved in tumourigenesis. One wonders if the pituitary tumour has been induced by high prolactin levels. In pregnant women, high levels of progesterone prevent the release of prolactin. I would avoid vitex, as it is a phytoestrogen, but if you should consider the progesterone, I recommend 100-200mg/day. But please read the page on Oestrogen Dominance first as this can occur. Supplemental tyrosine should be considered, this counters the release of prolactin and increases dopamine levels. Start with 500g/day tyrosine in the morning, increasing by the same amount until the optimum dose is reached. If taken in excess symptoms return. Take the two cofactor B vitamins which aid in the conversion of tyrosine to dopamine, 100mg/day B3 and 300mcg/day folic acid. Take care Wray

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