I'm post-menopausal and used progesterone cream for 6 months. All I got out of it was 7 extra pounds. With no change in diet or exercise program. I used the stuff (Emerita Pro-Gest) as directed and waited for all the wonderful benefits to kick in. Well they didn't. I stopped using the cream a month ago and have lost 3 pounds. Again with no change in diet or exercise. And I feel much better.
It depends on your needs. If you have period problems, etc. the benefits you get from progesterone cream may be worth a few extra pounds. Then too, every body is different and you may not gain. Just monitor your weight daily and see what happens. Hope you feel better soon!
Feb 07, 2012
hormonal rush by: muriel
yep...read my page
Feb 08, 2012
norma by: Wray
Hi Norma The weight gain is not from progesterone, but from oestrogen. This might sound paradoxical, but progesterone stimulates oestrogen. Oestrogen is a mitogen causing cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells. Progesterone stops mitosis, which prevents this, which is why it helps with Cancer. Oestrogen also causes water retention, which is the cause of any immediate weight gain. Progesterone is such an excellent diuretic, over 1200mg/day is now given via IV transfusion to Traumatic Brain Injury victims. Progesterone speeds metabolism, unlike oestrogen. Unfortunately most women are told to use too little, this merely makes symptoms worse, or causes new ones to appear. It's essential to make progesterone the dominant hormone, by using at least 100-200mg/day, or more if symptoms are severe. And not the 20-40mg/day which is normally recommended. We do have more info on these pages, How to use progesterone cream,Peri-menopause and Menopause. I hope my answer helps the others who've commented on this page. Take care Wray
Feb 08, 2012
Nobody else recommends this much by: Anonymous
Wray, I have read your comments for quite some time and notice that you keep repeating 100-200mg of progesterone cream per day must be used to overcome the estrogen-dominance symptoms the cream exacerbates. I've also noticed how so many manufacturers and progesterone promoters insist that 20-40mg is the correct dosage and using more leads to a build-up in the tissues where the cream will stop working entirely.
Such authorities as Dr. Lam, Dr. Mercola, even the people running Dr. John Lee's website keep saying to go easy on the progesterone dosage. This is very confusing. Can you clear up some of this confusion? Thanks!
Feb 09, 2012
Nobody else recommends this much by: Wray
Hi there It is confusing. I suggest this amount, as I said to Norma above, because I've found that too low a level does not work. The web is riddled with women complaining that progesterone makes them feel worse, or they put on weight, or they retain water, Ad Nauseum. So progesterone gets a bad name. Look at all the complaints on this site, and you get an idea of the problem. You only have to look at the function the two hormones have, to realise progesterone is not the culprit it's made out to be, but oestrogen is. Yes oestrogen is a vital hormone, but it's extremely potent, a little goes a long way. Without it we wouldn't have the female shape we have, one which men get too if they have excess circulating. It stimulates subcutaneous fat cells to increase, hence the change in shape at puberty. But in excess it causes weight gain, which is very difficult to loose unless the excess oestrogen is suppressed. It causes water retention, the cause of immediate weight gain if it's suddenly stimulated. This is invariably the case if low levels of progesterone are used. The two hormones stimulate each other, as they do in men too. In fact the three hormones, testosterone included, interplay. This stimulation leads to Oestrogen Dominance. Oestrogen causes the proliferation of all hormonally sensitive cells, particularly breast and endometrial cells. Hence the development of the breasts during puberty, but in excess it increases the risk of gigantomastia in women, gynecomastia in men, and breast cancer in both. It's vital for the development of an egg and for the proliferation of endometrial cells each month. But in excess it can disrupt the cycle, preventing ovulation and increasing the risk of heavy bleeding and endometrial cancer. Oestrogen is a mitogen, causing cells to proliferate. It's also an excitatory, inflammatory hormone. Progesterone reverses mitosis, hence it's benefit in Cancer. It's a calming hormone and a potent anti-inflammatory. Plus it's an exceptional diuretic, please see the link I gave Norma on this. So many sites comment about receptors becoming insensitive, and therefore a break is essential. Another one is the story doing the rounds about build up in fatty tissue. Which would imply of course that the receptors would become insensitive. I have yet to see a study showing it builds up in fatty tissue, and stays there, but I've only found one paper so far which says it's not, see here. Continued below.
Feb 09, 2012
Nobody else recommends this much Part 2 by: Wray
Hi there This one too, see here. It states…" Despite the low serum progesterone levels achieved with the creams, salivary progesterone levels are very high, indicating that progesterone levels in serum do not necessarily reflect those in tissues." If the fatty tissues were indeed saturated, and little progesterone was 'escaping', the study would have found the reverse, i.e. low saliva levels. From Saliva Tests we run, it's evident the progesterone is getting around. The tests are done by a naturopath in the UK, and she does a before and after test for comparison. You'll see levels have risen dramatically, but more to the point the women were feeling well. This paper is fascinating, it was published back in 1970, see here. It seems that during the proliferative phase, ie follicular phase, progesterone is concentrated in fatty tissue. But during the secretory or luteal phase, it's found in the skin and uterus. So the site seems to change with the menstrual cycle. This is understandable when one looks at how important progesterone is for the uterus etc. During the follicular phase, levels are very low as it's only secreted in the luteal phase, and plays no part in the follicular phase. One thing which seems to be overlooked by all, is that progesterone is broken down into metabolites. It is important in it's own right, but it's metabolites are just as important, see here,here and here. One in particular is allopregnanolone, it's a potent analgesic, anxiolytic and anti-inflammatory. In fact progesterone is broken down into many metabolites, see here, before it's finally excreted mostly in the urine. Here's another paper on it's metabolites. Finally this paper here explains steroid hormone metabolism. As the body is designed to metabolise progesterone, and other hormones, it seems highly unlikely for it to get shunted into fat cells, and there to stay! Or for the receptors to become insensitive. As one paper puts it " The ephemeral nature of the corpus luteum makes it even more remarkable that this tissue is able to synthesise upwards of 40 mg of progesterone in the human on a daily basis." See here. Continued below
Feb 09, 2012
Nobody else recommends this much Part 3 by: Wray
Hi there Even more remarkable, it's also been found that progesterone is capable of stimulating it's own synthesis, see here. The typical negative feedback system seen in other endocrine tissues does not operate in the corpus luteum, and at the end of the luteal phase, in spite of LH secretion, the corpus luteum regresses and progesterone secretion declines. So using 20-40mg/day does not raise levels to that found in the luteal phase. More to the point, many women have a defective luteal phase, where little to no progesterone is secreted, see here,here,here,here,here,here,here and here. These are the women who are more likely to suffer problems. Many also secrete excess oestrogen and testosterone, these women will not be helped with a low amount, see here. You are right, no one else recommends the levels I do, but if you look at the amounts used in the studies, you'll notice many are far higher than my recommendations. Take care Wray
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Although this web site is not intended to be prescriptive, it is intended, and hoped, that it will induce in you a sufficient level of scepticism about some health care practices to impel you to seek out medical advice that is not captive to purely commercial interests, or blinded by academic and institutional hubris. You are encouraged to refer any health problem to a health care practitioner and, in reference to any information contained in this web site, preferably one with specific knowledge of progesterone therapy.