
Natpro makes my period come early

by Mary

I started using Natpro because my periods were getting shorter and because I have premenstrual spotting. As a result, all I got was my period even shorter. I never used it for more than 2 months, because every time I start using it I get the same effect (period comes earlier than normal ) so I stopped using it. I know it is not coincidence as I have started and stopped it many times. Have you heard of this before? Does this mean I do not need the cream ? What do you suggest ?
Thank you

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Nov 09, 2007
Early periods
by: Wray

Hi Mary. Progesterone can upset the cycle initially. Dr Dalton noticed this with her patients and recommended they keep using it until it settles.

I would suggest you try using it in a different way, which I will show below. This should prevent the spotting and early periods. Please note this is for a 28 day cycle. All women, irrespective of the length of their cycle, should start ovulating fourteen days before they start bleeding again. The idea is to use the cream from ovulation whatever the length of the cycle.

A 21 day cycle Ovulation should occur on day seven
A 28 day cycle Ovulation should occur on day fourteen
A 36 day cycle Ovulation should occur on day twenty one

Day 1 - 14 No cream
Day 15 - 17 1ml
Day 18 - 20 2ml
Day 21 - 22 3ml
Day 23 - 24 4ml
Day 25 - 26 6ml
Day 27 10ml
Day 28 15ml (remainder of tube)
Total 60ml

Hope this helps, Take care Wray

Jul 09, 2010
hysterectomy, one ovary, how do i use natpro
by: jackie

Hi i had an abdominal hysterectomy because of a huge fibroid tumour 9 months ago and have one ovary left. I do not have periods but still seem to get pms symptoms. Do you think I would benefit from using Natpro and how would I use it? I also have tender swollen breasts on and off and seem to be fluctuating with my weight which is increasing. I am also getting headaches and mood swings. Can I buy this cream legally in the UK? I hope you can answer all my questions as I don't know what to do as my doctor is unhelpful. THANK YOU.

Jul 10, 2010
hysterectomy, one ovary, how do i use natpro
by: Wray

Hi Jackie You would still get symptoms as a hyst puts us into hormonal turmoil, in spite of leaving the one ovary. It would appear from your symptoms you have excess oestrogen. Fibroids are stimulated by oestrogen, please see our web page on Fibroids. Oestrogen is a pro-inflammatory hormone, hence the headaches and sore breasts. Progesterone will certainly help the PMS symptoms and the mood swings. The sore breasts too, please see here. And the headaches, please see here. The weight gain is also due to excess oestrogen, it's a mitogen causing cells to divide and multiply. It also causes water retention. Although the ovaries are the main source of oestrogen, our fat cells also produce it. It causes insulin resistance, you might like to look at our web page on this... Insulin Resistance. Yes you can buy progesterone in the UK if it's for your own use and not for resale. Take care Wray

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