
Endometriosis hysterectomy at age 20

by Patsy

I had a full hysterectomy at age 20 due to Endometriosis and have been on HRT now for 33 yrs. I had been on Permarin til I found out its source & asked my Dr to switch me to Estradiol 10 or so years ago. I hate taking meds especially synthetics & don't feel like they help is even worse.

I scored 24 on the questionnaire but like others not all things apply on a regular basis, except that I just don't feel completely right. Of course the doctors say all the tests are normal or adjust as needed.

Could I benefit from BHRT having been on standard HRT all these years?

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Aug 08, 2011
Endometriosis hysterectomy at age 20
by: Wray

Hi Patsy I'm surprised you've been kept on HRT all these years. Especially in view of studies stopped early in 2002 due to adverse findings. I'm not in favour of it, because of these adverse side effects. I'm all in favour of progesterone, as in the over 60 years of it's use, there hasn't been one adverse report. If you should consider it, please see our page on Menopause for more info on how to use it. But before you do please see our page on Coming off HRT. It is possible to go cold turkey, but the effects can be unpleasant. And please read our page on Oestrogen Dominance too, as this will probably occur with you as you are so full of oestrogen. It does take time for progesterone to become the dominant hormone, so if you do get symptoms of oestrogen excess, please increase the amount you are using. It's very safe, Dr Dalton would give 2400mg/day to her patients with post natal psychosis, and over 1200mg/day is given via IV transfusion to brain trauma victims, see here and here. Endometriosis is caused by inflammation, often due to a lack of vitamin D. Oestrogen being an inflammatory hormone, exacerbates it. Please have a vitamin D test done, it's low in most of us. For more info see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth and Birmingham Hospital websites. Levels should be 70-100ng/ml, and not the 30ng/ml the labs and doctors use as a cut off point. The minimum dose should be 5000iu's per day. Take care Wray

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