
Candida Worsens During Third Month of Progesterone Therapy

by Shawn
(Los Angeles)

I've intestinal candida overgrowth for many years. It's difficult to say the least to get rid of, however I manage it and keep the levels down with diet and natural remedies.

I thought estrogen dominance was playing a role in my not being able to get rid of the candida so I started natural progesterone cream on a cycle (I'm still having periods). I've been doing about 160mg a day. For some reason this third month hasn't been successful. I have bad breast tenderness, water retention, and a terrible flare up of candida symptoms. Please advise! I'm so confused. The first two months were great and it felt like the candida was actually getting a little better. Thanks.

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Mar 22, 2011
Candida Worsens During Third Month of Progesterone Therapy
by: Wray

Hi Shawn You are right, excess oestrogen does exacerbate Candida, whereas progesterone protects against it. Oestrogen increases the glycogen content of the vagina, which allows candida to have a field day. Progesterone, by suppressing the oestrogen, prevents this occurring. Oestrogen dominance normally occurs when first starting progesterone, so I'm surprised you didn't have any symptoms of it. It could be, although unusual, that you've had a delayed reaction. But it can occur at other times too, specially if stress is experienced. Have you had extra stress recently? Stress drops progesterone levels sharply, so more is needed to prevent the return of symptoms. The amount you are using is good, but it might be you need slightly more to get over this phase. Oestrogen causes water retention and inflammation, this indicates your level has risen. Progesterone is an excellent diuretic and anti-inflammatory, so good it's given via IV transfusion to brain trauma victims to prevent the oedema and inflammation that occurs due to the injury, see here. Please rub some on your breasts, this is very helpful as it will reduce the oedema and inflammation. Please try and get some caprylic acid, but in oil form. I've found this far more effective at killing candida than the tablets. The dose I recommend is 5ml per day, this will give you approximately 3000mg/day caprylic acid. The oil is often called MCT oil, and is used by body builders, so you might find it in the bodybuilding section of a health shop. Take care Wray

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