by Maria
Hi Wray, What are your views on breast screening? I have received an appointment to go and I have refused, because I believe that they can do more harm than good. I use Natpro regularly and from reading the articles and comments on your site, if my understanding is correct, its excessive estrogen and HRT that can cause breast cancer.
Overcoming the dominance with progesterone should surely be the way to protect your breast too?
I don't have a history of breast cancer and really object to being made to place my breasts between two metal plates and have them squeezed hard, which is very painful, plus being given exposure to radiation for good measure.
My husband is concerned that I won't have the screening, but I am quite adamant.
Would really appreciate your views on the subject, you have helped me tremendously with your cream and I truly believe the advice you offer.
Best wishes.
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