
Breast screening - is it worth it?

by Maria

Hi Wray, What are your views on breast screening? I have received an appointment to go and I have refused, because I believe that they can do more harm than good. I use Natpro regularly and from reading the articles and comments on your site, if my understanding is correct, its excessive estrogen and HRT that can cause breast cancer.

Overcoming the dominance with progesterone should surely be the way to protect your breast too?

I don't have a history of breast cancer and really object to being made to place my breasts between two metal plates and have them squeezed hard, which is very painful, plus being given exposure to radiation for good measure.

My husband is concerned that I won't have the screening, but I am quite adamant.

Would really appreciate your views on the subject, you have helped me tremendously with your cream and I truly believe the advice you offer.

Best wishes.

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Jul 06, 2011
Breast screening - is it worth it?
by: Carol

I believe that Breast Screening is definitely worth it but there are alternatives to Mammograms, which is what you are referring to. There is a lot of evidence that the x-rays cause more harm than good but you should still have your breasts screened. I am not sure where you live but in South Africa we have a couple of other alternatives which are safe and pain free - Soft Touch and Thermography. I hope this helps.

Jul 07, 2011
Breast screening - is it worth it?
by: Wray

Hi Maria It's a thorny issue! I have never had a mammogram, and never will. One reason is the one you've stated above. I know it's wicked of me to suggest it, but what would be the reaction of men if asked to put their testes between two metal plates to detect cancer?! There are safer methods of detection. The following list of papers might reassure you, see here, here, here, here, here, here and here. I know of countless women who've been through the mill, followed by a biopsy, only to find they had fibrocystic breast disease. This is easily countered by using progesterone, see here, here, here, here, here and here. Sore breasts can also be caused by lack of iodine, see here, here, here and here. There's no question oestrogen in any form increases the risk of cancer. There's more info on our HRT page. Progesterone inhibits the action of oestrogen safely, and has been used successfully for cancer, see Cancer and progesterone. I'm running out of space so will start a new comment below. Take care Wray

Jul 07, 2011
Breast screening - is it worth it?
by: Wray

Hi Maria A high level of testosterone in a woman causes cancer too, see here, here, here, here here, here, here, here and here. In fact the menopausal ovary is an androgen producing organ, see here. So no, I don't believe a mammogram is necessary, but have to leave it to the individual if they do. A simple blood test would show if both oestrogen and testosterone were too high. On a more esoteric note, women are made fearful about getting breast cancer. Dire warnings are given about not having tests, so they do. This leads to more fear as they wait for the results. Fear increases adrenaline levels, adrenaline keeps cancer cells alive and it seems can lead to tumourigenesis, see here and here. I've run out of space again! Take care Wray

Jul 07, 2011
Breast screening - is it worth it?
by: Wray

Hi Maria The most important thing to do is have a vitamin D test done. A lack of this vital nutrient has been found to lead to over 20 different cancers, in men too. See here, here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here, here and here. For more info see the Vitamin D Council and GrassrootsHealth websites. Thanks for the kind words! Take care Wray

Jul 07, 2011
Breast screening - is it worth it?
by: Wray

Hi Carol Thanks for giving some alternatives. Take care Wray

Jul 26, 2011
Breast pain
by: Anonymous

I've had mammograms done and then had some noncancerous lumps removed and now I have painful scar tissue. Does progesterone cream help with that?

Aug 04, 2011
Breast pain
by: Wray

Hi there It's such a pity there is so much ignorance about fibrocystic breasts. There was no need to have the lump removed. Painful and or lumpy breasts are caused by a lack of progesterone, see here, here, here, here, here and here. Or a lack of iodine, see here, here, here and here. An easy way to find out if the level is low is to get a tincture of iodine. Put 3 drops anywhere on the inner arm, rubbing them in with the dropper. If the patch fades in a few hours it means there's a deficiency. Continue applying it until the patch takes days to fade. Alternatively have a blood test. Or the lumps could be caused by a deficiency in both. Progesterone is a potent anti-inflammatory, but I have no idea if it will help painful scar tissue. If you should consider using it, please see our page on Peri-menopause, as it gives the info you need. But please read the page on Oestrogen Dominance. I suggest rubbing some cream directly on your breasts. I recommend 100-200mg/day, dependant on symptoms. Take care Wray

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