
Article About this Wonderful Site!

by Elaina (Mo-D)

Hi Wray, it's been over a year now since I found your tremendous site. I feel better than ever and have been using Natural Progesterone Cream ever since. You've been a Godsend.

I discontinued the blog about my story, but wanted to let you know that I just published an article online about all of the wonderful things that you and your site are doing for women from all around the world. I hope it leads more women to this site and that other women can finally find the help they need for such desperate health issues.

Many thanks,

"Mo-D," Elaina Wicks

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Jul 15, 2011
Article About this Wonderful Site!
by: Wray

Hi Mo-D How can I call you anything else?! And how can I thank you sufficiently for the article you've written? Bless you a thousand times over! It makes up for all the strange, and sometimes aggressive comments I've received. One woman going so far as to say I could be hiring people to write the comments! I save all queries and my answers, and I've just re-read all of yours. I can't believe it's a year ago you first wrote to me, with severe heavy bleeding and clots. I'm overjoyed all is still well with you. I do hope your article reaches out to many women, not for my sake but for theirs. Bless you again for writing it! Take care Wray

Jul 15, 2011
Agree 100%
by: Joy

Hi Alaina - I totally agree with you, where indeed would we all be without Wray's wonderful care and guidance. To Wray I salute you my friend!!!

Just love your article Alaina!

Take care.

Jul 19, 2011
by: Elaina (Mo-D)

* Wray, you are so very welcome! I spread the word as much as possible because I truly believe in your efforts here on the site. The article is getting a lot of reads, so I hope that people come in droves and benefit from all of the priceless (and honest) advice and information you have to offer.

* Joy, thank you for your comments. Wray is a Godsend!

Bless you both!

Jul 21, 2011
JOy and Mo-D
by: Wray

Hi Mo-D and Joy Bless you both for your support, where would I be if I had it not?! Hugs Wray

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