by Nevine
I am 49, today. I have always thought I was health conscious because I never ate fat, abstained from red meat some twenty years back and ate organic. But then, I am a heavy smoker who destested drinking plain water. The result? I aged quite fast, got bones and teeth problems and had early menopause.
I just could not handle the menopause symptoms at all. I found out that a supplement of Vit A would temper such symptoms immensely. But then the overall fatigue and the unwell feelings lingered on.
I tried Progesterone pessaries 200. That made me feel better. It seemed to have collaborated well with my calcium supplement. I could stand on my feet. But after five months I felt the dosage was quite weak. I switched to progesterone 400.
Today, I feel good in general. I sleep well for seven hours, my hair is getting thicker and my premature wrinkles are fading!
If I have to give one advice to women my age and older, that would be: take natural progesterone supplement of 400 if you want to live a decent middle age. Actually, you will not look anywhere decent without it. And you are protecting yourself from heart diseases, oesteoporosis, and cancer.
If you have less than a perfect liver like me, add a liver supplement to be on the safe side.
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