
Always thought I was health conscious

by Nevine

I am 49, today. I have always thought I was health conscious because I never ate fat, abstained from red meat some twenty years back and ate organic. But then, I am a heavy smoker who destested drinking plain water. The result? I aged quite fast, got bones and teeth problems and had early menopause.

I just could not handle the menopause symptoms at all. I found out that a supplement of Vit A would temper such symptoms immensely. But then the overall fatigue and the unwell feelings lingered on.

I tried Progesterone pessaries 200. That made me feel better. It seemed to have collaborated well with my calcium supplement. I could stand on my feet. But after five months I felt the dosage was quite weak. I switched to progesterone 400.

Today, I feel good in general. I sleep well for seven hours, my hair is getting thicker and my premature wrinkles are fading!

If I have to give one advice to women my age and older, that would be: take natural progesterone supplement of 400 if you want to live a decent middle age. Actually, you will not look anywhere decent without it. And you are protecting yourself from heart diseases, oesteoporosis, and cancer.

If you have less than a perfect liver like me, add a liver supplement to be on the safe side.

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Mar 02, 2010
Always thought I was health conscious
by: Wray

Hi Nevine. I couldn't agree more about using progesterone and using a high amount as you do. The low doses simply don't work well enough. It is excellent for the skin, please see this.

I have used pessaries in the past, but far prefer the cream, which I find works as well. One advantage, you can apply it anywhere, unlike the pessary! So I always put it on my face am and pm, it's very good for burns, minor wounds and aches and pains too. Please be cautious about using too much vitamin A, it blocks the action of vitamin D. There is a world wide deficiency of vitamin D now, as we all spend too much time indoors, fully clothed, and not enough time in the sun. If you can, please have a test done, you might like to look at this site for more information. Take care, Wray

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