by Tammy
I am going on my 4th month of 333mg. per day of Natpro and am starting to have problems after great results.
During month one, I used 1 tsp. (166mg) at 9am, and then another tsp. (166mg.) at 9pm. I did this for only the last part of my cycle as recommended. I started to see my skin clear up and weight loss.
During month two, I did the same as month one and still noticed great results, but started to slowly see my results decline with acne coming back and bloating. I think my hair started falling out a little more too.
During month three, I used the same amount everyday with no break thinking I really need to inundate my body with more progesterone to build up a good reserve, which I believe I read somewhere on here that was advisable. I am now having worse acne and the bloat is back.
I end up going through a tube a week, so what could be wrong?
Could this be upsetting the testoserone in by body?
Wray help!
Comments for 333mg. daily and beginning to have problems after good results