
Anxiety & Depression for 22 years

by Sue
(New York)

I had a saliva test done and my levels were: Estradiol-less than 1.00, Progesterone- 16.24, DHEA-25.66, Cortisol Morning-10.22, Cortisol Noon- 3.23, Cortisol Evening-2.38, Cortisol Night-1.22. So, in addition to the Ostaderm, I am using Biosom spray orally, Cortico B5B6 and Drenamin. Thanks so much for any help you might be able to give me.

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Jan 02, 2012
Anxiety & Depression for 22 years
by: Wray

Hi Sue We do have a page on Anxiety you might like to look through. It gives a list of nutrients which all help. Your P:E2 ratio is about 8:1, we've found from Saliva Tests a naturopath runs for us, that the ratio should be 600:1 and over to feel well. It appears you could do with some progesterone! I don't know how old you are, but maybe in Peri-menopause or Menopause? Both these pages give info on how to use progesterone. I could be wrong of course and the saliva tests were taken during the follicular phase, in which case progesterone will be low. Our page How to use progesterone cream gives info on how to use it if you are younger. A lack of vitamin D causes anxiety and depression, see here and here. You live in NY so your level is probably low. Please have a test done. For more info on levels, testing etc see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. And the minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Jan 27, 2012
Still Not Feeling Well
by: Sue

Hi Wray, I started using my Natpro on Jan.1, taking one day off per week as recommended by my Naturopathic doctor. My biggest problem is still the awful anxiety. All day long it is constant, with that terrible feeling of butterflies in my stomach. Feels like something's just not right. I even wake up at 2:00A.M.with that feeling(out of a sound sleep). After that I don't get back to sleep for the rest of the night. I'm using 1/4 tsp. in the A.M.& 1/4 tsp in the P.M. I haven't had a saliva test done since the last time I wrote. Should I have another one done to see what's going on? I'm 52 and getting so tired of feeling this way. Is anxiety really caused by an imbalance of hormones or could it be something else? Please help. This has been happening on & off since that miscarriage I wrote about.

Jan 28, 2012
Still Not Feeling Well
by: Wray

Hi Sue It seems you must be in menopause, if you've been told to take a week off the progesterone. I don't agree with this, as each time you do, your oestrogen will rise. Then when you start the progesterone again, you'll get Oestrogen Dominance symptoms. I also don't know why you are using only 1/2tsp per day. This is far too low. I recommend 100-200mg/day or more if symptoms are severe, yours appear to be. I would suggest you use 200mg/day and see if that helps. This would require 6ml of cream, or 1 1/5th tsp/day. It does take time to settle down, but only if enough is used. I used to have butterflies in my stomach too, all day long as you do, all gone now. You must have made the comment about the miscarriage on another page. You could have another test done, but it will only tell you how much of any one hormone is circulating, it can't tell how you're feeling. Your symptoms point to unbalanced hormones. The anxiety is caused by a number of factors, hormones are but one aspect. The neurotransmitters drop when anxious, which is why I suggested you read through that page I gave you on anxiety. Digestion slows down or stops when anxious so less vital nutrients are being absorbed. A lack of vitamin D causes it, I did ask you to have a test done, please do. It could be this is all you need to take. An unstable blood glucose causes anxiety, it's all explained on the anxiety page. Please increase the progesterone, and please have that vitamin D test done. Take care Wray

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