
Wray - Other Forms of Progesterone

by Beansprout

I have an upcoming doctor's appointment here in the next couple of weeks at which time I hope to have a full series of blood work and saliva test to find out exactly where all of my hormones, adrenal health, Vitamin D, Thyroid (T3 and T4) and while I won't be accepting any HRT or BCP containing estrogen (which is the last thing I need) I do want to talk to them about other effective forms of progesterone that I might safely and effectively take for the short-term until I balance out a little better. The cream is just getting to costly for the amount I'm having to use to manage my symptoms. I've heard one too many horrors of oral progesterone. I don't want to lose ground at this point. I don't want to gain weight. I'm actually deathly afraid of that. But didn't you say that you could crush the pills and apply them with lotion directly to the skin to receive the full dosage? An what about the other forms of progesterone? Injections, suppositories, it all so overwhelming.

I'm just wanting your advice and recommendation as to what I could ask for that would be equally beneficial, second only to the cream, but beneficial for the short-term. Or is it all synthetic progestin? I don't know what to do. There has be some other alternative that I can use temporarily. Then when I become more balanced I would like to return to the 100-200 mg of cream. But right now I feel like I could use a little more help and a little less punch in the wallet. The cost is killing me. I even tried to order NATPRO understanding that it would deliver more progesterone per teaspoon and per tube but it is currently out of stock. My current brand is also out of stock. There is no worse feeling than not being able to get my hands on some. I've been forced to buy another less-quality brand that is somewhat less effective.

My question is quite simple. If you had to stop using the cream tomorrow what would you yourself do as your next most effective application?

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Aug 14, 2013
Wray - Other Forms of Progesterone
by: Wray

Hi Beansprout It's good you're having all those tests, would be interested to hear the results. As for the different types of progesterone, there are a great many. Most doctors dish out oral progesterone, which is the least effective Delivery system, "The liver and gut region removed a mean of 96 per cent of the progesterone entering these tissues", see here. The capsules can be emptied into a small amount of skin cream, and that applied to the skin. If in tablet form it won't dissolve in the cream. The only form I'd use are the suppositories, I've used them before I found the cream. But you have to use them in the vagina or rectum, better in the rectum for the morning, as it can leak out of the vagina when upright. For this reason the cream is the best option, as it can be applied anywhere. The best thing for burns and minor wounds, leg ulcers too. Piles go and it's wonderful for the skin, see here. Injections are effective, but painful and only 50mg in each. From what I remember of the cream you use, I think I said it was both weaker and more expensive than Natpro. I'm sorry about the stock out, we try to keep up with demand but cash flow is not always what we hope. We made a double batch last month, and still suffered one. I hope a day comes when we never have another, it gives me more anguish than the people trying to get it! I believe it should be over soon. I was recently introduced to Happy PMS Progesterone Cream, see here. The ingredients are all good, although it is more expensive than Natpro. If I had to stop the cream, I'd use suppositories. If I had to stop progesterone, I'd slit my wrists! Take care Wray

Aug 15, 2013
Progesterone Capsules /Suppositories
by: Beansprout

If I open the capsules and mix into a small amount of lotion or get the suppositories will they be just as effective or should I expect a temporary setback as some old symptoms make a return? Also, when you first started taking the suppositories did you experience any side effects or weight gain? Or do I even have to worry about that since I won't be combining it with estrogen. I've done so well on my weight loss that I'm deathly afraid of gaining any amount back. And if you had to stop progesterone and I had to stop progesterone I would be right beside you as we messed up the bathroom sink together. It's been life changing. I only wish I had discovered it several years prior to now.

Aug 15, 2013
Progesterone Capsules /Suppositories
by: Beansprout

If I open the capsules and mix into a small amount of lotion or get the suppositories will they be just as effective or should I expect a temporary setback as some old symptoms make a return? Also, when you first started taking the suppositories did you experience any side effects or weight gain? Or do I even have to worry about that since I won't be combining it with estrogen. I've done so well on my weight loss that I'm deathly afraid of gaining any amount back. And if you had to stop progesterone and I had to stop progesterone I would be right beside you as we messed up the bathroom sink together. It's been life changing. I only wish I had discovered it several years prior to now.

Aug 17, 2013
Wray - Other Forms of Progesterone
by: JL

Hi Beansprout

Wow, you certainly are active on this site. I have read just about all your posts and Wray's replies have been, as always outstanding, her patience and knowledge is amazing. One thing sticks out to me though and please correct me if I am wrong, you are not using NATPRO!

Please consider using it as it really is the best there is and all this messing about using this, that and the other is wasting your money and your time, Wray's time too for that matter as she could be helping others who are using Natpro.

Please consider using it, you will notice a huge difference, they are out of stock at present, but as always stock will be back in shortly.

One more thing, Vitamin D, if you are deficient and not taking it, then do not bother with progesterone. As once again you will be wasting your money. A vitamin D deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone, so if your level is low, it will not work as efficiently, it's as simple as that. To my mind, the two - progesterone and vitamin D - go hand it hand. I know because I use and take them both and it has changed my life beyond measure.

Give Natpro a try, you will be amazed but do use the correct amount and not the 20-40mg which is so often suggested.

Hope things work out for you soon.

Aug 17, 2013
Progesterone Capsules /Suppositories
by: Wray

Hi Beansprout They should be, you just have to make sure you're using the same amount of progesterone. I can't account for other brands and their absorption, only ours. We know this is absorbed extremely well, as levels of progesterone shoot up. For instance from about 21pg/ml to 2750pg/ml in a month, giving a ratio P:E2 of 641:1, see Saliva Tests. Yes at the bathroom sink together! It was life changing for me too, although I wished I'd known about it in puberty, I was very depressed then. It was so far back I was not given antidepressants or counselling, for which I'm very relieved! I had to weather it. I needed it after birth, as I had PND for 4 years. But luckily found it towards the end of P-M. I was in a bad way then, had not heard of Oestrogen Dominance, never weigh myself, so whether I had bad side effects I've no idea! Take care Wray

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