
Will progesterone help panic attacks?

by Sandy

I started suffering from panic attacks 8 years ago when I was 8 months pregnant with my 2nd daughter. It just keeps getting worse.

I have been on antidepressants but I keep going off because I don't want that junk in my body. I went to a biohormone Dr and did all the test with saliva and blood. She told me I am not making any progestrone and prescribed some cream. Will this help and get me over the panic attacks? I haven't been able to drive far since that initial attack and now that my kids are older it really gets in the way. I want to drive again! Do you think that progesterone will help with this? Thanks.

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Dec 10, 2009
by: Kathryn

I had the same thing happen to me 23 years ago right after delivery of my daughter. I didn't know what was happening as I never had them before. I don't have them so much anymore but I do still have anxiety. I guess it is from hormones changing (I don't know).

I am thinking about taking progesterone just to see if it will help with the anxiety. I know exactly how you feel, you just want your life back.
Here is my e-mail if you have any questions or comments, I am always looking for help and like to hear that I am not alone and like to know what other people have tried.

Dec 11, 2009
Hi Kathryn
by: sandy

Hi Kathryn, I am waiting till day 14 to start my progesterone. I will let you know if it helps. I have gone through the comments and feel pretty hopeful. Cross your fingers this might be the answer for both of us. Sandy

Jan 02, 2010
Will progesterone help panic attacks?
by: Wray

Hi Sandy and Kathryn. You might like to read our web page on anxiety, it explains why panic attacks occur and what to do about them. Progesterone is very effective for them, it's also essential to avoid sugar and foods which contain or convert to sugar. Sandy, your progesterone level was dropping too low whilst pregnant. And Kathryn, progesterone drops very sharply after birth, and can cause severe depression plus anxiety/panic attacks.

Jan 10, 2010
Have your thyroid checked!?
by: Gone through it too!

Sandy and Kathryn, I'm not sure how long ago this was written, but I just came across it. I have experienced similar - 13 years ago after the birth of my first child, I experienced anxiety (or panic) attacks. To make a long story short, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and have been on medication (Armour + Levoxyl) for it now for 13 years. I do feel better. After a lot of research on hormones, thyroid disease and the like, I think I've found a Dr. who knows how to treat me. I also take a progesterone bio-identical hormone. In short, there is hope. There were times I thought I was going crazy. This is very common. I'm not saying this is what you have - everyone is different. Just make sure you go to someone who is knowledgable in these areas to properly diagnose you, versus covering symptoms up with an anti-depressant (there are times for those too in certain cases). Don't give up - there is hope - have your blood-work (lab) done so you can be properly diagnosed! Good luck!

Mar 21, 2010
Progesterone cream works
by: Susan M

I am a 52 year old woman who had never had any panic attacks until I hit menopause. Like you, I am afraid to drive. I wanted my life back, so I went to a lot of doctors. They basically treated me like I was crazy and it was just "stress." I know that was part of it, but I also knew there was more. They would come when I was really calm and not worried about a thing.

On my own I did some research. A lot of research. I found that panic attacks can be from low progesterone from menopause. I bought some Emerita cream over the counter. They sell it at, too. The second day I felt much better and could sleep all night. It was amazing. I think progesterone is calming, too. I hope this helps. It's worth a try.

Mar 22, 2010
Progesterone cream works
by: Wray

Hi Susan. Our progesterone starts dropping at about age 35 but oestrogen doesn't drop, so the ratio between the two is too great. It's this unbalanced ratio which affects us. Supplementing with progesterone as you've done would help, as it does help stabilise blood sugar, plus it's very calming as it activates the GABA receptor sites. GABA is one of our most calming neurotransmitters. Please remember stress drops progesterone levels sharply, so when stressed use more cream. Take care, Wray

Apr 08, 2010
Progesterone Works
by: J.M,

Progesterone works really well. I went through the same thing, I had a panic attack and anxlety. I started the shots and it has helped. I also had my thyroid checked and even though my levels were fine it was discovered I had nodules and an enlarged thyroid. So if you check your thyroid, do not just stop with blood work. Have a scan performed

Nov 23, 2012
by: Anonymous

i am 43 and i started having panic attacks too,mostly while im makes my life really hard. my doctor put me on buspar and it helps somewhat but i still get them and im always in fear of having one which makes it even friend told me about a cream she was using that worked great for her. so i got some and it does help. it is called RESTORED BALANCE. its a natural cream that can be purchased at health food stores. maybe yall could try it. It is $25 but worth it i think.

Nov 24, 2012
by: Wray

Hi there I'm pleased the progesterone has helped you, it should stop them completely. So if you still get them I suggest you increase the amount of progesterone. I recommend 100-200mg/day, far higher than the 20-40mg/day you are probably using. We have more info on our page How to use progesterone cream. There are also many nutrients which help too, all listed on our page about Anxiety. Take care Wray

Jan 29, 2013
Anxiety and Panic attacks!
by: Anonymous

I am wondering if progesterone cream can help me! I just turned 27 and have been having bad anxiety and panic attacks for over a year now, after the birth of my son. It has gotten to the point that I haven't left the house in a few weeks now! I feel like I am going crazy and it has really taken a toll on my life. I have anxiety pretty much every day and I get the panic attacks right around my period and for a few weeks after. I saw my doc. who put me on celexa and lorazapam, the celexa made me feel so jittery and spacey that she took me off of it after a few days and I still take the lorazapam when I am having a panic attack, but I feel like I am just dulling the symptoms and I would like to take care of the problem! My doctor suggested progesterone cream and I am hoping it will give my life back!

Jan 30, 2013
Anxiety and Panic attacks!
by: Wray

Hi there It seems you have post natal depression, panic attacks being but one symptom. They are easy enough to get rid of, generally caused by a sharp drop in blood glucose. Progesterone drops sharply after giving birth, 25% of women can't cope with this and get anything from the baby blues to post natal psychosis, which often ends in infanticide. I had PND, luckily no panic attacks. Oestrogen doesn't drop after birth and it destabilises blood glucose, whereas progesterone doesn't, see here. So progesterone will help, but you will need a large amount, probably about 400mg/day. I'm delighted your doctor suggested it, and a cream too. All too often they give oral progesterone which is the least effective Delivery system. You should use it a minimum of twice a day, better more frequently to keep levels high. There's more info on our page How to use progesterone cream. The B vitamin inositol also cures panic attacks, but you'll need at least 4000mg/day possibly much more. This also helps stabilises blood glucose, see here, here, here and here. We do have a page on Anxiety which explains them. Plus suggesting other nutrients which all help anxiety, depression, panic attacks etc. Continued below

Jan 30, 2013
Anxiety and Panic attacks!
by: Wray

Hi there Please have a vitamin D test done, as low levels of this reduce the benefits of progesterone, plus cause anxiety and depression, see here, here, here, here, here. and here. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth and Birmingham Hospital. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml (175-250nmol/L) and not the 30ng/ml (75nmol/L) most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although recent research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Nov 24, 2021
Panic attacks
by: Anonymous

This is because your histamine is getting too high in your body and there isn't very much progesterone which works to keep your mast cells in check and keep your histamine down.
Your adrenal glands release cortisol to try and get your histamine down and to do this they need to 'steal' from progesterone and then there isn't enough progesterone to log onto your GABA sites.

I know this because it happened to me after the birth of all three of my children. I would wake with jolts of adrenalin in the night and feel absolutely terrified of everything, only able to pace and think frightening thoughts. It went away by itself, until it started to happen again with menopause. This time, I've been able to track it down. I have a problem with my mast cells and, genetically, I'm not able to detox histamine.
Hope this is helpful.

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