
Topical Creams create bolus amount of hormones???

by Stacey

In the link above they say that applying creams/lotions is no better than taking orally. The liver has to deal with the hormones either way. The big concern was learning that the bolus amount of hormones in creams/lotions is nowhere near the amount the body puts out and can cause disruption of all other hormones as the body tries to find balance. I am bummed to learn this, especially after buying a large amount of NatPro. I'm really concerned. Also, I hadn't had my period for a few months before starting NatPro and after starting NatPro. I am now spotting cyclically - 2 cycles in a row - just light spotting, but also mild cramps. Should I be cycling off NatPro? I am 54 years old.

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Apr 15, 2023
Topical Creams create bolus amount of hormones???
by: Joy

Hi Stacey

I totally disagree about oral and topical progesterone, see here. I am sure that you have read the reasons why on this website. It can take between 2-6 months before the body adjusts to progesterone therapy. You are also in Peri-Menopause. Your cycle is going to become erratic making it difficult to use while following a regular monthly cycle, luteal phase. For this reason it is recommended that the cream be used every day with no breaks unless you are wanting to conceive which I don't think you are. Please read How to use Progesterone Cream and take note of Estrogen Dominance symptoms. Try rubbing some Natpro on the area where it is cramping. Progesterone is an excellent anti-inflammatory.

We always suggest using the cream no less than twice a day. We never advise using it just once a day. This enables progesterone levels to remain stable at all times. Levels start to drop after about 12 hours. Using it once a day will cause levels to spike. Morning and again at night is always recommended. The cream can of course be used more than twice a day.

These papers may interest you, see here, here and here.

On a personal note. I am 67 and have been using Natpro for 18 years now. I have no regrets.

Take care.

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