
Thank you

by TLC

I don't have a question so much as I just wanted to say thank you. I've been dealing with hormonal issues since I had kids (12 years ago) and I couldn't find a doctor that would do anything other than prescribe me birth control and suggest HRT. I did an Everlywell test recently and after learning that my progesterone was low (8:1 ratio), I bought some cream off Amazon. I have since discovered your site, have combed through every page, FAQ, and forum question. I look forward to ordering your cream and following a correct protocol going forward, and I truly thank you for what you offer here. I finally feel a little bit of hope.

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Mar 01, 2022
Thank You
by: Joy


Thank you for your kind words. I think by now we all understand why doctors only suggest either HRT or BCP when natural progesterone has no side effects and if used correctly helps with most of our modern day illness.

What were your actual progesterone and estrogen test results? Did it work out to 8:1 as per the Hormone Testing page?

I am sure by now you have read how much we enforce Vitamin D3. No need to explain why.

Take care.

Mar 02, 2022
Thank You
by: TLC

Thanks for the quick response, Joy. My test results were E 1.3 and P 11. Everlywell does it via saliva. Sure explains a lot in my life! Yes, I take 4,000 IU's of Vit D3 and I try to get some sun on my skin most days also, as I can always tell that it makes me feel better and NC is great at allowing for that most winters. I typically only take it in the winters, but after finding your website I plan to keep it up year round. The Vit D test is the next Everlywell test on my list because I'm definitely curious what that looks like. Is it true that some people's bodies don't store Vit D3 well? I had a doctor say that once years ago when mine was low. Thank you, again, I'm excited and hopeful for my journey over the next few months.

Mar 02, 2022
Thank You
by: Joy


Thanks for advising test results which show that your ratio is in fact 8:1.  Please increase your D3 to 5000iu's per day not only in winter and take the co-factors.  If you read the page on D3 it explains that while the sun is very important, we simply are not getting enough D3 from it as we do not spend enough time in the direct sun with no clothing on!  

Stress destroys D3 levels as it does progesterone levels, more need to be taken during stressful time which is why both need to be taken or used daily.  Stress also destroys other valuable nutrients.

Mar 03, 2022
Thank you
by: TLC

Thanks, Joy, I'll take your advice and follow up down the road. Thank you, again!

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