
Swollen knuckles knees, and ankles

by Kelly Fandel
(Metamora, IL)

Oh my gosh! I have been using the Natpro for almost a month. I was very estrogen dominant, but was going to do the 3 month trial to give it a chance.

Well, I have been working in the yard (I have arthritis) for about 4 hours. I couldn't even close my hands to make a fist when the day was done. I had to bring my daughter to her practice and was worried about being able to use the steering wheel. I had read that Wray put it everywhere so I did... knuckles, knees, ankles, and put ice just over the knuckles. In about a 1/2 hour the swelling was almost gone!

A hour later it was like I hadn't been out working all day. Incredible. Thank the Lord! I now want to take a bath in it! ha ha Wondering if it would work on the bags under my eyes?

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Aug 09, 2008
Swollen knuckles knees, and ankles
by: Wray

Bless you for telling us this! And yes I do use it everywhere and have done so for 13 years now, and wouldn't be without it!

As for your eyes, it could help. Black rings/bags under the eyes could mean your adrenals are stressed (which I suspect, as arthritis is very stressful), or your liver or pancreas are not happy. Progesterone is extremely helpful for any stressful situation, but levels do drop when stressed, so it's advisable to use more during those times.

It works by activating our GABA receptor sites. GABA is our most calming neurotransmitter. Progesterone also helps with pain as it increases the level of IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, it also prevents natural killer cell activity and the Th1 cytokine response, both of which lead to inflammation.

Although we're told food doesn't influence arthritis, it can. I would suggest you contact someone who practices Metabolic Typing, who can advise on foods to avoid and those to eat. You can find a consultant on the following web site:

Health Excel Metabolic Typing

Nov 13, 2008
Swollen knuckles
by: Anonymous

The knuckles on my fingers have become swollen and sore since I was pulling ground cover up in the garden for 5 days. My rings are very hard to get on and off. Is there something I can do to bring the swelling down?

Nov 17, 2008
Swollen knuckles knees and ankles
by: Wray

Hi there, you could also try the progesterone. I can't guarantee it will help, but it's certainly worth a try! If you do, please have a look at our web page on oestrogen dominance which can occur when first using it...

Take care Wray

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