
Soy vs progesterone vs blood clots

by Joy

I was on the pill until age 55. Went thru mild menopause, fell in love with soy products until just past 60 and I started having mild vaginal bleeding which would quit if I quit eating soy. Had a D&C but started bleeding again a week later
My Dr put me on prescription Progesterone and scheduled a hysterectomy for 2 months later When I went in for pre-op, they found a 12+ inch blood clot down my leg and under my knee and advised me it was caused by the Progesterone pills.

I finally got rid of the blood clot but am still spotting or bleeding. I don’t want a hysterectomy but am afraid of progesterone. I am now 74 and still can mostly control the bleeding by not eating soy (estrogen) products but it is causing lots of problems.

Is the cream safe for me?

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Jul 18, 2022
Soy vs progesterone vs blood clots
by: Joy

​Hi Joy

To answer your question, yes progesterone is definitely safe to use. Progesterone doesn't cause clots, whether in the uterus or the blood. It prevents platelets aggregating, reduces thrombin by about 15%, so reducing clotting, it prevents lipid peroxidation and atherosclerosis. The clots are caused by estrogen, your lining has built up Using a high amount of progesterone would effectively remove all the clots that had formed. Another thing, if progesterone caused blood clots, then every pregnant woman would suffer severely from blood clots as levels of progesterone rise hugely when pregnant. Your doctor should know this. Are you sure you were given progesterone and not progestin?

Soy, unless fortified should be avoided at all costs, see here. The correct use of progesterone would have cleared out the lining of the uterus. Doctors are far too quick to suggest D&C.

Please read How to use Progesterone Cream and Estrogen Dominance. Make sure that your Vitamin D3 level is optimal. ​​

Aug 19, 2022
by: Joy from Texas

Thank you so much for the reassurance because I ordered 3 bottles and started using right away. I have to say it was kinda scary as I passed a lot of "stuff" every few days for about 2 1/2 weeks, and then got down to spotting, and for the past 3-4 days have had NO bleeding for the first time in way over ten years.
I have started cutting back on the amount I was using as I’ve already gone thru 2 bottles but sooooo worth it!
My question is how much can I cut it down to and is there ever a point when I can stop using it?

Thank you so much for answering all my doubts and fears because I never would have started it - your encouragement and being able to go back and read your research really helped when the discharge was frightening. I almost quit but went back to your response and research notes and kept going and am feeling great! My anemia is improving and I feel better than I have in a long time.
Joy from Texas

Aug 21, 2022
by: Joy

Hi Joy from Texas

I am so pleased that we have been able to help and reassure you and more importantly, that your anemia is improving.

Reduce slowing to a level that suits you. I can't say how much, you will have to experiment to see what suits you best as we are all different. Progesterone therapy is a lifelong commitment. The moment you stop, all your adverse symptoms will return unfortunately. As we get older our body produces less and less progesterone, supplementation is therefore necessary.

Keep going.

Nov 25, 2022
question about continuing after hysterectomy
by: Joy from Texas

So I did everything you said and my bleeding mostly stopped. I finally went to see a DR because I had a heavy discharge I thought was a yeast infection but it wasnt - stort version is I have endometrial cancer and am having a complete hysterectomy in 3 days.
My question is if there would be any benefit in continuing the cream? I have already gone thru 6 bottles and am now out, but uncertain if I should re-order (it's a bit expensive on my limited income....).

Nov 26, 2022
question about continuing after hysterectomy
by: Joy

Hi Joy from Texas

Progesterone therapy is not easy, nor is it cheap so I do understand your concern. Personally, I just can't go the drug route.

Sorry to hear about your pending hysterectomy. You will most certainly need some form of support though, whether it is HRT and you know my feelings on that or progesterone. Only you can decide what is best for you. Your doctors will certainly recommend HRT.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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