

by Hanna
(California )

My dear angel ,

I am a 64 year old female .
I have been suffering from sleeplessness for close to 15 years.
I am hypothyroid .

I have tried so many different things for my problem .
Nothing has worked . Except lately I saw a bio identical doctor who put me on Estrogen and Progestorone .
I began spotting so I stopped the Estrogen immediately .
I actually got a few hours of sleep on it ... between 3 to 4 hours which was lovely . But I am terrified of Estrogen having read a lot of your posts .

I have however kept up the Progestorone .
I use suppositorys 200 mg morning and night now for two months...... and I havd been on 100 before that for 2 months
I am not sleeping (I use CBD) . I am also troubled very much by my short temper , it is so unlikel me šŸ˜ž and I canā€™t stand myself .

I would be eternally grateful for your advice .
Please help . Thank you so much for the lifesaving help you do give ... so generous of you may the Lord bless you .šŸ™

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Mar 02, 2022
by: Joy

Hi Hanna
Insomnia is awful. I battled with it too but thankfully I have managed to find what works for me. Ā Please also read this page where Wray discusses it. Ā I found that the correct use of progesterone, Vitamin D3, Magnesium and the Adrenal Fatigue Cocktail helped me. Ā Google it if you haven't heard of it before. Ā 

We do not believe that any woman needs to take extra estrogen not only does it add to Estrogen Dominance symptoms but there are well over 100 estrogen mimics in our Environment as it is, do we really need to take more?

Progesterone needs to be used no less than twice a day as you are correctly doing, please continue to do that. Ā Once things improve, you can reduce that amount to a level that suits you. Ā CBD has helped many, others not.

Anger/aggression could be that your testosterone level is too high or you could be suffering from Insulin Resistance.Ā Have these been tested?

Please make sure that your Vitamin D3 level is optimal as it is connected to every single functioning cell in our body making it vital. Ā A deficiency also reduces the benefits of progesterone.

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