
Scared to use NatPro Progesterone (or any for that matter).....

by Leslie

I am 44 years old and still have regular periods every 26-28 days. I took the Progesterone questionnaire and scored a 43 which indicated that I should begin using Progesterone, but after reading many of the stories I am scared to begin treatment.

Weight gain is one of my bigger concerns as I have been working my tush off to lose 10 pounds (still have 40 to go) and I can't bear the thought of putting it all back on and then some. I'd rather be thin-ish and grouchy than fat and happy!

If I do decide to use the Natpro and if I started with the recommended 100-200 mg., would I still gain weight initially? If there is initial weight gain, should I expect any weight gained to come back off quickly if using it as directed (100-200 mg.)? Or would the gained weight just stay long-term?

Thanks for your help!

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Feb 17, 2012
curious also
by: Anonymous

I am interested in this also.

Feb 17, 2012
Scared to use NatPro Progesterone (or any for that matter).....
by: Wray

Hi Leslie The web is littered with women complaining about the weight gain, even on this site too. In every case they've been advised to use far too little. Usually in the region of 20-40mg/day, this amount doesn't even reach luteal phase levels. One study found that using 40mg/day "…. only low plasma progesterone levels were found (median 2.5 nmol/l)". The ranges for the luteal phase are 15.9 - 63.6 nmol/L (5 to 20 ng/ml). Men secrete <3.18 nmol/L (<1 ng/ml),

see here. So 40mg/day doesn't even reach that found in men! Never mind higher than that if symptoms are severe. Over 1200mg/day are given via IV transfusion to Traumatic Brain Injury victims. All it does in most women is make matters worse by stimulating oestrogen, hence the weight gain. Oestrogen is an excitatory, inflammatory hormone, it's also a mitogen causing cells to proliferate, including fat cells. As these are also a source of oestrogen a vicious cycle starts. Oestrogen also causes water retention, which causes immediate weight gain. Progesterone is an excellent diuretic and anti-inflammatory, this is the reason it's given to TBI victims. It's also increases metabolism slightly. I can't guarantee you won't get Oestrogen Dominance initially, unless you use 400mg/day or more. Please see how you get on, but would suggest you start on the higher amount. As you now seem to be in Peri-menopause, please read through this page as it gives info on how to use it etc. It strikes me you have Insulin Resistance. This is in part caused by excess oestrogen, and in part by a lack of vitamin D, please have a test done. For more info on vitamin D levels, testing etc see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Feb 17, 2012
A Few More Questions
by: Leslie

Hi Wray,

Thank you for your response. I am Vitamin D deficient (I was tested a few months ago) and currently take 5000 daily but will up my dose on that starting today.

I read about IR via the link you provided. I'm confused on how to go about correcting this. Will the Progesterone be enough to balance me out or should I also add additional supplements? I did have many of the symptoms of IR, however, I do know that my fasting glucose is 71 which doesn't seem to coincide with IR, and my total cholesterol is 163 (HDL 58, but my LDL was slightly elevated at last check, as well as my CRP level (was really high at 19.1 two years ago!).

Also, when you said that you would recommend that I start on the higher end for Progesterone, did you mean 200 mg. or 400 mg.? I just want to make sure I do this right so that I maximize the benefits and minimize the weight gain!

On other thing, should I have my saliva tested before I start on the Progesterone? Or should I just assume that I'm low on Prog. due to my many symptoms? I know my doctor told me that my Testosterone is almost non-existant but I can't recall what my Prog level was (the testing was via blood, not saliva).

Thanks again for all your help! I am looking forward to feeling more 'normal' in the near future and I'm sure my family will enjoy the new me as well!


Feb 17, 2012
Oh, and my BP is...
by: Leslie

Oh, and my BP is 110/74. It used to be much higher a few years ago when I was a drinker but I cut out all alcohol (21 months ago) and cigarettes (3 years ago) and it has been in the normal range since then.

Feb 18, 2012
A Few More Questions
by: Wray

Hi Leslie I'm so pleased you had a vitamin D test done. 5000iu's per day is normally sufficient, but to get it up quickly you do need to take more. But please have a test done about a month afterwards, as 10,000iu's raises it quite quickly, whereas 5000iu's doesn't. Blood glucose levels in insulin resistance are normal to slightly high. Although the tests tend to look for slightly high to high. The significant result in any test is whether there is an impaired glucose response. Insulin levels can vary, but are normally elevated, particularly if insulin resistance is severe. There is no single test for IR, so if you have many of the symptoms, it suggests you have it. Although progesterone does help blood glucose, it won't be enough to reverse it, you do need to take the supplements. Vitamin D being the most important, inositol and glutamine are two others, if you don't want to take them all. I was a bit obtuse about the amount, by higher end I meant the 200mg/day. 400mg/day is costly, but I do advise this much if hot flushes, heavy continual bleeding etc occurs. But you will have to see how you respond to it. Whatever you do, don't drop the amount of progesterone if oestrogen dominance occurs. So many do this and it doesn't achieve the end result, to be rid of symptoms! A saliva test is interesting, as the ratios can be worked out. From Saliva Tests we run, we've found the ratio should be 600:1 and over to feel well. But they do cost, so to my mind symptoms are a cheaper option. Please don't let your doctor give you testosterone, please see these papers here, here, here, here, here here, here, here, here and here. Continued below.

Feb 18, 2012
A Few More Questions Part 2
by: Wray

Hi Leslie It's so interesting your BP has normalised since stopping drinking and smoking. Your CRP was high! It could well have been the alcohol and the smoking. Vitamin D is a potent anti-inflammatory, it was probably the low level you had/have that also caused this to be high, see here and here. Progesterone is also an anti-inflammatory, whereas oestrogen is an inflammatory hormone, see here. The two combined I find work magic, but it does take time, all natural substances do. And the early days can be 'bumpy'! Take care Wray

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