
Risk of no periods

by M Hamm

Six weeks after giving birth to my son my gyno said that I could start taking birth contol pills.

I was on the pill for 3 yrs. I thought they were safe. After going off of the pill 3 yrs ago, my periods have only come approximately every 3 months. My Dr. claimed this wasn't from being on the pill but I think otherwise. Blood test, for thyroid, pcos, etc. came back ok.

During each of my gyno visits the last 3 yrs. with different Dr.'s they all just throw Provera at me. I was warned that the uterine lining was building up each month with no period and could result in precancerous cells.
I have been trying to get preg for 1 1/2 yrs. now with no luck.

The last Dr. did an internal ultrasound after I had taken a 2nd round of Clomid and found polyps which turned out to be precancerous. I also now have endometriosis according to Dr. from the environment of no periods.

I had surgery including the terrifying ovarian drilling to promote ovualtion, laser treatment of endometriosis, polyp removal. Next course of treatment is 6 months on progesterone. I am 35 years old and running out of time to conceive. I can't believe I poisoned myself with the pill.
Anyway I have found out that you the patient need to be aggressive about your treatment.

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Jul 19, 2008
Risk of no periods
by: Wray

I can't agree about the Pill not affecting you, there is too much evidence otherwise. All OC's can cause many and diverse side affects, some of which are: depression, raised cholesterol, follicular cysts, SHBG capacity decreased, insulin resistance, lowered progesterone levels, an increased risk of cancer, an increased risk of post natal depression if given to a woman immediately after birth, elevates CRP leading to inflammation, with a risk of future heart disease, can cause fatty deposits on the linings of arteries, increased risk for invasive cervical cancer, causes platelet aggregation leading to blood clots. Medoxyprogesterone acetate is used to facilitate infection of herpes in animal models of sexually transmitted diseases.

"The widely used synthetic progestin medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) decreased endothelial function in premenopausal women in a study done at the University of Oregon. The finding, researchers said, raises concerns about long-term effects of MPA and possibly other synthetic hormones on vascular health in young women."

"During the weeks immediately following delivery of a baby, new mothers are at increased risk of strokes, a University of Maryland School of Medicine neurology professor told the American Academy of Neurology meeting in Boston this week... Oral contraceptives seem to cause a dose-associated increased risk of stroke, said Kittner."

"The use of oral contraceptives is associated with an increase in the risk for invasive cervical cancer, researchers from the International Collaboration of Epidemiological Studies of Cervical Cancer report. An analysis of pooled data from 24 studies, published in the November 10 issue of The Lancet , found that for current users, the relative risk for cancer rises with increasing duration of oral contraceptive use."

"Addition of medroxyprogesterone acetate to conjugated equine estrogens results in insulin resistance in adipose tissue"

I would suggest you have 'insulin resistance' caused by the Pill, and this is what has upset your cycle. Although progesterone does help with blood sugar control, I believe it will be necessary to reverse the IR. I do have info on this, but not on our website. If you're interested please send an email from the contact us link at the bottom of any web page. We also have a page on progesterone, conception and pregnancy you might like to look at:

Hope this helps. Take care Wray

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