
Progesterone was the answer I had been searching for

by Eve

For 18 months I have been searching for an answer/solution to my symptoms.

I started gaining weight over night (about half a stone) which would hang around for 14 days and then vanish. I had been weighing myself regularly because I was dieting and once I started plotting this on a calendar, I noticed it was a premenstrual thing. Once I googled it I found other women had the same thing.

Then I started having hot flashes and missed periods so I went to see the doctor who told me it was perimenopause and offered me HRT.
I decided to decline the HRT and go in search of a more natural approach. I tried many herbs but nothing helped at all. I had found info on progesterone cream but to be honest, I was sceptical and put it on the bottom of my list.
Oestrogen dominance isn't really heard of here in England but I could definitely identify with the symptoms and just assumed it was normal to have PMS.

When I finally tried Nat Prog cream (my last resort) I didn't think for one second it would help, but I was so wrong. Mo more water retention or migraines and mood swings but the best result is, I am at last losing weight by diet and exercise, whereas before, it was like I couldn't burn any fat no matter what I did.

So, I am totally thrilled to have so many great results all from one tube of cream. I'm kicking myself for not trying it first.

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May 04, 2009
Progesterone was the answer I had been searching for
by: Wray

Hi Eve. Thanks for sharing your story, wonderful news! I find it's not just the UK that hasn't heard of oestrogen dominance, but everywhere. In fact we have a web page devoted to it, as it's such a problem in many women's lives. Unfortunately it can occur when first using progesterone which really confuses the issue! All this is explained on the web page, the link follows for interest:

Take care, Wray.

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