
Progesterone too much or not enough?

by Nicole
(Casper WY)

I am 46 going on 47 and I started the compounding progesterone creme almost a year ago.

The doctor started me out using it on a 21 day cycle with 8 days off after my period I would start small doses .5 mil then increase on the 14 day to .10 I started getting acne really bad and my period went crazy so I dropped the dose down instead of starting it right away I wait untill the 14th day. But now I am feeling irritable and dizzy. Should I take more?

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Sep 19, 2010
Progesterone too much or not enough?
by: Wray

Hi Nicole I'm very puzzled why you are using the cream on a 21 day cycle, unless that is normal for you? If it is you should start the cream on day 8 as you are and use it for the next 14 days, then stop. But it sounds as if you have a 28 day cycle. In which case you should start the cream on day 15 and use it for the next 14 days. You don't mention the strength of the cream you are using, only giving me ml. But 0.5ml is 5 times higher than 0.1ml, and yet you say increasing to 0.1ml? If it's a standard 1.6% cream the amount you are getting will not do anything, only exacerbate things, which appears to be the case. For more info please see this web page we have on Oestrogen Dominance. Progesterone can initially disrupt your period, but if you do have a 28 day cycle and you're using it 7 days before ovulation, it will disrupt it. Progesterone should be used form ovulation, ie mimicking the normal cycle, for more info please see our page on How to use progesterone cream. I recommend between 100-200mg/day, so please try to increase the amount you are using. Take care Wray.

Jul 09, 2011
what is the standard % in progesterone cream?
by: Juliette

what is the difference between a 0.5% and a 1.6% progesterone cream ? At what percentage should a person start and how does it affect the quantity you use every day. I am very confused. Who decides what % the cream will contain?

Nov 27, 2011
what is the standard % in progesterone cream?
by: Wray

Hi Juliette I'm not sure if you'll get this reply it's so late, I do apologise. The different %'s just mean different quantities of progesterone in a cream base. The manufacturer decides what % their cream will be. The majority of creams seem to be 1.6%, we made the Natpro 3.33%. Some compounding pharmacies make a 10% cream. The % does affect the amount of cream you use. For instance I recommend 100-200mg/day. Using Natpro you would need between 3-6ml of cream, but using a 1.6% strength you would need to use double the amount of cream, to get the same amount of progesterone. We do have more info on our page How to use progesterone cream. Take care Wray

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