
Progesterone the key to solving the ADHD epidemic?

by Teryl
(Cedarburg, WI)

I truly think progesterone given to kids who struggle with ADHD would help with their cognitive ability, short term memory, stress, etc.

I have mentioned this to many people over the years, yet everyone laughs at me. Have you ever considered this? Has anyone ever taken a blood test for those who suffer from ADHD to check their Progesterone levels and considered the effects?

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Mar 22, 2010
Progesterone the key to solving the ADHD epidemic?
by: Wray

Hi Teryl. Yes I have suggested it to people and yes it does help. The reason for this is it activates the GABA receptor sites, GABA is one of our most calming neurotransmitters. Two more vital calming amino acids are taurine and tyrosine. Taurine is also a neurotransmitter, and tyrosine is the precursor to dopamine another neurotransmitter, which is usually low in ADD/ADHD. In fact I have a complex with these two aminos, plus a few other nutrients which benefit, find it works well on both adults and children. According to the Paleo Diet aficionados the standard American diet only contains ±60g protein, whereas they recommend ±190g good quality protein a day. It could well be this lack of protein causing the problem, as GABA, taurine and tyrosine are all amino acids. Taurine is not found in vegetables either, only animal protein. Another problem is the huge amount of sugar we consume, the average for Americans is ±148kg/year, up from nil a few thousand years ago! Excess sugar causes glycation, which results in advanced glycated endproducts or AGE's as they are abbreviated to. Gycation occurs when a sugar molecule binds to a protein or lipid molecule without the control of an enzyme. This impairs the function of the molecule, resulting in many of our inflammatory diseases. The brain is affected too. Take care, Wray

Apr 07, 2010
by: Cheryl

Interesting that my daughter was diagnosed with a learning disability. She is almost 12 and started her menstrual cycles about 6 months ago. She has been doing so much better in school since she started her periods. She seems to be very regular and doesn't have any PMS - no signs of estrogen dominance. But her body seems to be ovulating fine and producing a good amount of progesterone which maybe has helped her cognitive thinking!!

Apr 11, 2010
by: Wray

Hi Cheryl. This would make sense, as prior to ovulating starting, we don't make progesterone, but we do make oestrogen! The number of women who write to me in their late 30's saying their doctors tell them they are too young to have hormonal problems is astounding, and yet they can start prior to puberty! The youngest 'woman' to start menstruating was 12 months old! She was born with breasts, this is quite common in both boys and girls, and usually goes by the third month, hers did not! The youngest 'woman' to give birth was five, five! Numerous 8-11 year olds have, and apparently in 12 year olds it's quite common. So we can have problems at a very early age. Incidentally progesterone is excellent for cognitive thinking, oestrogen is not, please see here. And here. Albeit that these studies were done on ageing brains, the hormones and their functions remain the same whatever the age. Take care, Wray

Sep 23, 2021
by: Anonymous

I have autism and ADHD. I take liothyronine 5-10mg per day to help with the autism and progesterone between 200-300mg per day for the ADHD. I no longer need other medications and on a good day these render me almost completely normal and I feel great, I likely wouldn’t even be able to get a diagnosis of autism or ADHD when on these medications.

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