
Progesterone stopped my never ending period

by Bethany Taylor
(Flint, Michigan)

Several years ago, I started my monthly menstral period as usual, but instead of the normal 5-7 days of flow, this period went for over 3 months without stopping. It would almost stop, then it would start heavy again just likt a new one would. I was weak and desperate. I didn't have medical insurance and I couldn't find a clinic that would take me as a patient.

Finally, out of desperation, I decided to spend the day at Border's (I didn't have a computer then) and read through all of the books that I could find on the female cycle. My "aha!" moment was when I read something to the effect that sometimes a cycle will start without ovulation producing an egg. If that happens, no progesterone will be produced to stop the bleeding.

I didn't know what progesterone was at the time, but I headed over to the health food and vitamin store to see what I could find. I bought a tube of progesterone cream and within two days of using it, my period finally stopped! I was so happy! I stopped the progesterone shortly after that, and my periods returned to normal. About two years later it happened again, and once again the progesterone cream stopped it.

I finally got health insurance, and mentioned this problem to my doctor. He took interest in my story and ran a lot of tests including a uterine biopsy and ultrasound. They found nothing wrong. He really did not understand why the progesterone would work for something like that. But I'm really glad that I found that book and found my cure.

Now, I've had a relapse of psoriasis which I haven't seen in years. I had it before, but it cleared up during pregnancy. So I'm testing my theory that progesterone cream may help this skin condition clear up for me also.

I'm a 44 year old white female in case you are wondering. I had a short lived psoriasis flare-up during puberty. It went away and returned when I became pregnant for my second child. It stayed until I became pregnant with my third child and went away during the pregnancy, only to return after giving birth. I had it for another 12 or so years until my dermatologist injected them with a drug... don't know what... but then I began tanning and it stayed away for years until I quit tanning, then returned.

I no longer have insurance. So I'm giving progesterone cream a try, plus I'm tanning again and taking vitamins and fish oil. Wish me luck!!

Comments for Progesterone stopped my never ending period

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May 05, 2009
Progesterone stopped my never ending period
by: Wray

Hi Bethany. Wonderful you found progesterone helped with the bleeding. I've helped many with this problem, not only does it work, but it has nothing but benefits and no known adverse side affects.

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP's) are enzymes that break down protein. They play a role in the breakdown of endometrial tissues at the end of the menstrual cycle. If they are over active, as would be the case with an excess of oestrogen in the body, (oestrogen stimulates it's production), the result is a pathological reaction such as inflammation. This can lead to both rheumatoid and osteo-arthritis, cirrhosis and cancer and excessive bleeding in the uterus. There is also strong evidence that MMP's play a key role in psoriasis:

Progesterone suppresses matrix metalloproteinases and oestrogen. It also prevents the hyperproliferation of cells by excess oestrogen, by inducing them to mature. As evidenced by it's action in a woman's monthly cycle. Continual bleeding is indicative of low progesterone levels.

Vitamin D is another potent inhibitor of hyperproliferation, which also induces cells to mature, hence your success with the tanning:

It would be advisable to start taking it. Please see the following web site for more info on how much you should be taking:

It's best to get a test done to find out your vitamin D status, this can be done at home via ZRT Labs:

ZRT test kit

There are some topical vitamin D creams/ointments available, but try to get one which is natural and not a synthetic analogue. To my mind it would be a good option to try both progesterone and vitamin D. Take care, Wray.

Dec 03, 2010
by: Nervous

Hello I am a young 19 year old girl and within the last month I have lost about 17 pounds (HEALTHY) by exercising every other day and eating healthy. And I would normally have my period regularly and since the 17th of November I have had my is now December 3rd. I have gone to the doctors and she said the bleeding is of no consequence, and because of this long lasting period it has given me a bladder infection :(. I was wondering if I should give the progesterone a try? Thank you lots.

Dec 09, 2010
by: Wray

Hi there If your doctor says the bleeding is of no consequence, evidently she doesn't think a malignancy is causing it. Loosing 17lbs in a month is high. Much of this would have been fat, and this has impacted on your steroid production. We need fat to manufacture our steroid hormones, I believe this is probably the reason your cycle has been upset. Progesterone does stop excessive, continual bleeding, but the amount needed does have to be high. I normally recommend 100-200mg/day, but I've found about 400mg/day is needed for continual bleeding, although if severe more is needed. As you're so young you might respond to less, it's difficult to say. Oestrogen is a mitogen, it causes the lining of the uterus to build. MMP's are enzymes that break the lining down, if these are excessive, the lining continues to break down. Progesterone inhibits the MMP's, hence it's effectiveness at stopping bleeding. Please see our page on How to use progesterone cream for more info. But before you do please see this page on Oestrogen Dominance too. This can occur, but if you do opt for the high amount, it passes quickly or doesn't occur at all. There is some evidence that d-mannose helps bladder infections, please consider taking it. Take care Wray

Jan 09, 2012
Perimenopausal- Never Ending Period
by: Sandy

Greetings Wray,

I cannot begin to tell you how much your site has helped me in the past few days. I am 45yo, was given low dose BCP to regulate my shorter more frequent cycles and then the nightmares began. This was late August. The Pill in the lowest possible dose caused me to gain weight, and I bled non stop for months. Finally I got fed up and quit them mid pack early December. Then the flooding began. Sooooo scary. All the Doctors wanted to do was up the dose to stop the bleeding and I refused. a poster here had posted about how she stopped her period with progesterone cream and as a last ditch effort, desperate for some relief I got some emerita progest as I needed it quickly, and began putting on as much as I could. I am writing this to you 2nd day bleeding free. It DOES WORK! My question is that I am still quite confused on how much you need to put on to continue to see result or if I need to back off the amount I am using. I am using 1.5tsp daily, and that is a mere guess. Maybe more... in that dose, what is the theraputic dose of progesterone that I am getting. Is there a chart that shows the tsp/per unit dose such as 20mg = 200mg etc? I just want to make sure I know what my magic dose is so I can continue to monitor my progress. The Flooding was unbearable, the nonstop period was also. Ladies who might read this, Please dont' think that the only alternative is to rip your insides out. Western Medicine does NOT have your best interest at heart. They have THEIR best interest at heart. Blessings, Sandy

Mar 19, 2012
Book Title and Timing
by: Veronica


I have the same problem, and have been going in circles with poor OBGyns and holistic doctors that only tell me what I already know or try to slap me on the pill. I really want to try this, but I have a couple questions.

1) What's the name of the book you found this information in? I am currently studying human sexuality with intentions to teach, so anything to bolster my knowledge is appreciated.

2) Did you time the progesterone application to your cycle or did you just go for it? I read in some cases to begin application after ovulation, while elsewhere I read to begin application directly after menstruation.

Thank you so much for giving me hope!

Mar 22, 2012
Perimenopausal- Never Ending Period
by: Wray

Hi Sandy I can't believe I missed your post, I'm so sorry. This does happen occasionally and I've not got to the bottom of why. The amount of cream you were using, ie ±1.5tsp a day is giving you about 120mg/day progesterone. Which is within the range I recommend of 100-200mg/day. I'm delighted it helped, it does work and it's so easy, painless and with no adverse side effects. And no harm can come from it either, unlike the Contraceptives. I'm very pleased you're off those. I've normally found 400mg/day is needed to stop very heavy, continual bleeding. We do have more info on our Menstruation page. So I'm really pleased the 120mg/day helped. We do have a chart showing measurements, it's right at the bottom of our page on How to use progesterone cream. And a magic dose, I wish I could tell you, it is trial and error, using it over a few months to get the feel of it. Please be aware Oestrogen Dominance can come out of the blue, specially if stressed. This drops progesterone levels sharply, so more is often needed over a stressful time. And I couldn't agree more about the slash and burn so often meted out. Bless you for the kind words about the site, and many apologies once again. Take care Wray

Mar 22, 2012
Book Title and Timing
by: Wray

Hi Veronica I'm not sure if Bethany will see this, as she posted her comment in May 2009. But strangely enough I've just been given the title of an excellent book by another contributor, and made a note of the website too, see Progressive Health Services. They run a clinic in San Diego, and the book is available through Amazon. Click on their 'Online store' for the book, well there's more than one. Progesterone does help libido, in fact we have many men using it for this. It also helps vaginal inflammation and dryness which hinders many women. These are a few papers here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. The best paper is 'Does male sexual behavior require progesterone?'. Unfortunately the abstract doesn't give away much, so I bought the full paper, but can't pass this on. These are a few more on women only, see here, here, here and here. What fascinates me is the fact progesterone is responsible for the feminine sexual urge, not oestrogen as we've been lead to believe. Another error is that LH is responsible for ovulation, but it actually appears to be caused by progesterone itself. There's a preovulatory surge of progesterone from the brain, about 50 hours before ovulation. Continued below.

Mar 22, 2012
Book Title and Timing Part 2
by: Wray

Hi Veronica This causes the LH surge which initiates ovulation. That preovulatory surge of progesterone ensures a woman is sexually active prior to ovulation. I find this very interesting, as the sperm lasts a few days in the fallopian tubes, whereas the egg lasts 24 hours. Women try to time conception using predictor kits to check for ovulation, I believe this is too late as ovulation has already taken place. Many women don't ovulate, so are given ovulation induction drugs. As progesterone is essential for the LH surge, surely this would be a better option. Vitamin D is also essential for ovulation too. Many women have found unresolved issues go once they get their vitamin D levels up, in spite of using large amounts of progesterone, see here for one example. A lack of vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone. Vitamin D also raises testosterone in men, see here and here. Progesterone should always be used from ovulation, or within the 50 hour preovulatory surge. The idea is to mimic the luteal phase. This always occurs, in all women, 12-14 days prior to bleeding. For more info see our page on How to use progesterone cream. Progesterone is not secreted in the follicular phase. Another aspect of sexuality which is always overlooked is dopamine, this is essential for a normal sexual response, see here, here, here, here, here and here. Progesterone does raise dopamine levels. Vitamin D is vital too, the rate limiting step in dopamine synthesis is the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase. Insufficient levels of vitamin D inhibit tyrosine hydroxylase, resulting in a disturbance in the dopamine pathway. Continued below.

Mar 22, 2012
Book Title and Timing Part 3
by: Wray

Hi Veronica Oestrogen increases mitotic and secretory activity of several cells in the pituitary, but particularly the proliferation of lactotrophs or prolactin cells. High prolactin inhibits the secretion of dopamine. It also inhibits the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and gonadotropic-releasing hormone (GnRH) which leads to hypogonadism. In women this suppresses the ovulatory cycle causing irregular periods, anovulation, with subsequent difficulty in falling pregnant, a loss of libido and breast pain too. In some women, menstruation may disappear altogether. In men, the most common symptoms of high prolactin are decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and infertility. Prolactin is rarely checked, testosterone always is, as it's generally assumed if libido is low, testosterone must be the cause. So men are given TRT, but this leads to a number of unwanted adverse side effects, see Man Boobs. A lack of protein in the diet, in particular the amino acid tyrosine, will affect dopamine levels. Tyrosine is the precursor to dopamine, and the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline. It's also the precursor to the two thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine), plus melanin, the pigment found in hair and skin. It's part of the enkephalin peptide involved in regulating and reducing pain, and increasing pleasure. Lack of protein and stress lower tyrosine levels, with a subsequent reduction in dopamine. A drop in dopamine increases levels of prolactin, the hormone of lactogenesis, but also an inflammatory hormone. So as you can see there are very many paths to healthy human sexuality! Take care Wray

May 21, 2014
by: Anonymous

Can you please tell me exactly which cream you bought and where? Thanks so much

Dec 18, 2014
Really worried
by: Lee

I am 38 . I had a 7 month never ending period back in 2009. I went through all the tests and scans and nothing came back as bad. They put me on synthroid for the thyroid and birth control pils for the period, it seemed to help for the first 2 years, I was regular and things were running smooth but I got terrible headaches on the pill that would take me out of commission for 1-3 days . I lost my job. So I stopped the birth control pill and for about a year I was normal. Then I did not get a period for 5 months. It came back nov 1 and has not stopped since .i went back to the gyno and he put me back on the pill and even that is not stopping it now. I'm still bleeding . It was heavy during the placebos and now 3 days into pack number 2 I am slowing down but still somewhat heavy. If not all day. At some points in the day. I am crying as I write this because I feel so not myself. I can't function like this and I can't be intimate with my husband . I bought the cream but I have not used it yet because of the pill. I'm so depressed. If anyone can help me ronriri at gmail dot com

Dec 18, 2015
I'm Going To Try This Out
by: Anonymous

I came across this page looking into never ending periods.
I'm a 50 year old Hispanic female and my first sign of trouble began about 4 years ago. I had a period that lasted 3 months straight. There were days I was very heavy along with passing large clots.
My gynecologist ran tests (transvaginal ultrasound) and the results came back as uterine fibroids. Because of my age (46) taking birth control pills was not advisable. She instead suggested a hysterectomy, which of course I refused!
The 3 month period finally ended & there after, my periods were pretty regular lasting 5 days. Some months I had very heavy days and others with just spotting.
Now, just recently, beginning in June of this year, my periods have begun to be very light, in fact I missed a period for August & September....was my menopause kicking in now that I'm 50? No! In mid October, I started again, only 3 days this time.
By November 6th, it started again but this time lasting 16 days straight, from light to heavy to light again and ending on November 21st.
Well, I had an 11 day break with no period only for it to start again on December 3 & as I type this, I'm still on my period as of December 17 (15 days).
I've tried various techniques from taking ibuprofen pills (800mg) every 6 hours, drinking cinnamon (sticks) steeped in water, lemon juice with pineapple juice mixed together, but to no avail has this helped.
I will try this progesterone cream & see if it really works because although I am so close to menopause (maybe another year or 2 or 3?), I so tired of it! I've had it since I was 12 years old --- that's 38 years now, minus the two times I was pregnant with my beautiful daughters.
I think it's time my period finally comes into retirement! :-)

Jun 03, 2018
long period
by: Anonymous

I am currently dealing with the same issue as Bethany was. I am at my wits end. I am on day 12 and still no sign of stopping. I am starting to feel desperate and scared. I really want to try the progesterone cream in the hopes that it will work. Is there any particular brand?

Jun 04, 2018
Long Period
by: Joy

Natpro Progesterone Cream is a good cream to use. Please follow the advice given by Wray above.

This protocol also helps with heavy/continual bleeding.

NATPRO Progesterone Cream - 400-500mg per day.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) - 2000mg per day.
Taurine - 2000mg per day.
Vitamin D3 - 5000iu's per day, more if vitamin D3 level is low. Co-factors such as magnesium and vitmain K2 are vital when taking vitamin D3.
Bioflavanoids - 1000mg per day.

May 14, 2022
Progesterone for Endometriosis
by: Maggie May

For Doctor,
I was proscribed Prometrium (400mg at night) for presumed endometriosis. I have pain 16days out of every month that feels like contractions. It has been over 7 years of this. I get a short break from pain for about 8days during & after my period. Laparoscopy didn’t show Endo but I was told it is "clear" or microscopic. I also have small fibroid but was told that wouldn’t cause pain. To confirm this diagnosis my doctor is trying progesterone to see if she can stop my cycle. I have been taking it for 5 months so far. First 2 months i was started on 200mg but she upped it as it wasn’t doing anything. It still doesn’t seem to be helping with my pain but it has made my menstrual flow lighter and shorter(5days one heavy day to now 3 days very light one moderate day). The pain has changed schedule a little bit too and I have menstrual cramps now during my period which I never used to have.
My question is- is there data to show that this is an effective treatment for "clear" endo? Since surgical removal isn’t an option and birth control made me bedridden as a teenager (bad reaction debilitating head pain inflammation of pituitary), I am leery to try medication or hormones. Second question- if so, how long should it take to help with the pain?.

I’m so glad I found this site. Thank you

May 15, 2022
Progesterone for Endometriosis
by: Joy

Hi Maggie May

We are not doctors but we have been dealing with the benefits of progesterone for well over 30 years now. We know how it works and what is needed. If progesterone is not used correctly it will not work. It amazes me that doctors who actually prescribe natural progesterone, do not seem to understand how to use it correctly. The study papers are all out there for them to read. 7 years is a long time to be battling with this, it can be incredibly painful.

Sadly you haven't been advised to use progesterone correctly so I am not surprised that it's not working. Why does your doctor want to stop your cycle? Did she explain why? I am confused. If the Prometrium prescribed is in capsule form then you will not be getting the correct amount of progesterone which will add to your problems. All oral progesterone is not the best Delivery Method as around 96% gets destroyed by the gut and liver. If in capsule form, open them and mix with an organic cream or MCT oil and use transdermally.

Progesterone needs to be used no less than twice a day, half the amount in the morning and the other half at night. This is important as it allows progesterone levels to remain stable. Progesterone therapy if used correctly can take 2-6 months before positive results are felt, longer if symptoms are severe. It is not an overnight fix, time and patience is needed. Please read the How to use Progesterone Cream and Estrogen Dominance pages.

Endometriosis and Fibroids are usually caused by oxidative stress. You need to address your Inflammation. If you don't you will always battle. Fermented foods are good for inflammation as well as being the best probiotics. Try rubbing some progesterone cream on the painful area as often as needed. In capsule form this is impossible. Progesterone is an excellent anti-inflammatory and helps to ease pain. Progesterone if used correctly will help the body absorb small fibroids, larger one unfortunately require surgery. This explains the inflammation of your pituitary. Perhaps our page on Prolactin will help you.

If you find that prometrium is not working for you, consider using Natpro Progesterone Cream which is a 3% cream, but try using prometrium transdermally and see how you get on. Prometrium and Natpro are both natural progesterone, unlike HRT which are progestins and come with side effects.

Something very important to consider is Vitamin D3. A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone and is connected to every single functioning cell in our bodies making it vital. The co-factors mentioned are equally important.

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