
Progesterone got rid of my Rage and Anger

(Williams Lake, BC, Canada)

When I was 30, after having my third child and finding out he had learning disabilities my life drasticaly got more challenging and stressful. I started noticing being very angry (RAGE), and felt like I could kill each one of my family every time my period was coming. I yelled and became very depressed and felt like a terrible mother for having all these feelings.

I started trying birth control pills to help with the hormone symptoms, doc's orders, but I started noticing they would work for few months then the symptoms started returning worse than before. I tried many different ones along with many anti-depressents, but to no avail. I then read if you have PMS, which I do, the pill will work for a period of time then get worse.

I researched this and found a pharmacy that tests your hormones and makes natural progesterone cream, so I did that and found out that my prog was low. I started on the prog cream and after few months noticed that I was happier and my rage was going away. My husband also really has noticed the positive changes that the cream has had on me.

But I do still have some PMS symptoms, like crying and stuff but those feelings seem so much more normal and easier to deal with, so I am adjusting my dosages as I go and I feel the cream help with my mood days after starting it. I am thankful for finding it and that it has helped even a little in my life of stess. My family is much happier too.

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Aug 11, 2011
Progesterone got rid of my Rage and Anger
by: Wray

Hi there I'm so pleased the progesterone has helped you. Often women with PMS cannot tolerate Contraceptives, as they drops progesterone levels. If you still have PMS etc, it would appear you are not using enough progesterone. I recommend 100-200mg/day, so you could try increasing the amount you're using. There's more info on our page How to use progesterone cream. But before doing so please see our page on Oestrogen Dominance as this can occur. Take care Wray

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