
Progesterone cream is helping my anxiety.

by Sarah
(Upstate, New York)

8 weeks after I had my second child, he began having blood in his stool due to a proposed cow's milk allergy through my breast milk. This event triggered my own anxiety levels to rise, which almost made me unable to care for my children on a daily basis.

My Ob/gyn put me on sertraline, which helped considerably. However, I have never been interested in using medications for a long term, so I stopped and was ok for a while. In the mean time I found a new primary care physician who actually promotes alternative practices, and uses homeopathy. My anxiety was returning and when I went in and explained that my symptoms worsened over the course of the month, along with my menstrual cycle, she immediately thought of low progesterone levels.

She recommended I try a cream. I have only been using it for 2 months now, but I do notice that it takes the edge off. I also take an herbal remedy for anxiety. It has not had the same effect as the sertaline, but I am able to feel sad, without having it overcome my whole life.

Prescription meds do not give you that option. They just turn off that emotion completely.

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Jan 29, 2009
Progesterone cream is helping my anxiety
by: Wray

Hi Sarah Progesterone levels drop sharply after giving birth, as can serotonin, which can precipitate post natal depression. I would imagine this has happened to you, due to the added stress over the baby. Stress also drops progesterone levels sharply. The AD helps to raise serotonin levels, but it cannot make more.

Progesterone also helps raise serotonin levels too. You would need to use a high dose of progesterone to help, about 200mg/day. You would also benefit from taking the amino acid tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin. Tryptophan is low in most foods, highest in game, lowest in veggies and when stressed the body cannot convert enough tryptophan into serotonin from food. Supplementing is of great help.

Progesterone also activates the GABA receptor sites, GABA is our most calming neurotransmitter, which is why the progesterone is helping with the anxiety. Take care Wray

Nov 16, 2009
I am taking a hormone test tomorrow
by: Anonymous

So should I try and use this cream after I get the test result from the hormone test or could I maybe start this today so I can function and not be so nervous and irritable

Nov 12, 2010
Anxiety and possible low progesterone
by: Jana B.

Hi there, I'll just get right to it. So about 5 months ago my husband lost his job... that's stressful on it's own, but added to that was A LOT of other stress. I seemed OK the first 2 months of it, and then out of the blue, I started having anxiety attacks. I have had them before in the past, but they have always come and gone quickly. Maybe I would have 1 or 2 and then not have any for years. As a matter of fact before all of the stress entered our life, I hadn't had one in about 4 years. Anyway, in September, I started crying.. and I cried, and I cried.. for about 7 days. Couldn't stop for anything! My mom was kind enough to come and stay with us, though and that was really helpful. Keep in mind, I never felt like hurting myself or anyone else and I wasn't overly sad. It seemed like everything just finally came to a head. During this time of crying I lost about 10 lbs. I wasn't able to eat and the anxiety was overwhelming. I finally went to the med. doctor and she gave me anti-depressants. Celexa and also Lorazempam. The Celexa did not help at all! It made me feel like a zombie! I couldn't function.. nothing seemed to matter to me.. the house was mess, I was exhausted all the time and in general just out of it. I stayed on it for about 4 weeks and then weaned myself off. I figured I would rather have the anxiety than feel like that! Soooo.. went to a Nathropath. She diagnosed me with Adrenal Fatigue. We have been working on a lot of things.. getting my diet in order, she ran my blood, I was very low on Vit D and Iron. All of that has really helped but I'm still having anxiety issues.

We did a saliva test and it said that I have elevated levels of cortisol in the late afternoon and evenings. This is also when I seem to have most of my anxiety issues. The last 2 months I have been writing down when the anxiety is the worst.. is usually 7-10 days before my period starts. It makes me want to stay in bed and cry for about 3-4 days! During the rest of the month I just seem to experience it in the afternoons and evenings. I told my Naturopath that the anxiety issue has not been resolved and she ordered progesterone for me. For some reason the box didn't get checked on the test and so my levels weren't checked.

So, the question is, do you think this could be related to low progesterone? I didn't feel like paying for another test, instead I would just like to try it.. but I would like to know what you think. Thanks.

Nov 13, 2010
I am taking a hormone test tomorrow
by: Wray

Hi there It is safe to use it without having a test, much is dependant on symptoms. You might like to see our page on Anxiety, it explains why this occurs. Before you start, please see our page on How to use progesterone cream. Please make sure you read the page on Oestrogen Dominance too. Take care Wray

Nov 13, 2010
Anxiety and possible low progesterone
by: Wray

Hi Jana Yes I do think you have low progesterone, stress causes it to drop sharply, in men too. Please see this web page we have on Anxiety, it explains why it occurs. There is also a list of nutrients which all help. I'm relieved you've weaned off the AD's, as you say they can turn people into zombies. Stress also upsets ovarian function, it seems as if you are possibly not ovulating. After ovulation progesterone rises, so does oestrogen, but if enough progesterone is made this counters the affect of oestrogen. But if not, oestrogen can cause all hell to break loose. Normally this only occurs 2-3 days before our periods, not 7-10 days before. For more info please see our page on How to use progesterone. I normally recommend 100-200mg/day progesterone, you might need the higher amount as you're so stressed. It's safe to use progesterone without having a test, symptoms are often the best guide. The adrenals make cortisol, but to do so they first have to make progesterone, which they then convert. If stressed the adrenals will be too, so they tend to rob other sources of progesterone, notably ovarian progesterone. This of course upsets the ovaries. Before you start the progesterone please see this page on Oestrogen Dominance, it can occur and is disconcerting if it does. Please try to get your vitamin D up above 50ng/ml, this is the minimum it should be. The range is 50-100ng/ml, for more info please see the Vitamin D council website. A lack of vitamin D causes anxiety and depression, it also reduces the benefits of progesterone. Take care Wray

Jul 11, 2018
What can help with Perimenopause?

Bad peri-menopause, I have anxiety and I feel miserable. Does progesterone cream help with anxiety and depression? I have ear-ache, it is so bad I can't function good and I have pain in the body.

I need something to help, I know I'm not the only one going through peri, but my symptoms are horrible, mostly with the GI bloating gas, anxiety and depression. Can't function etc.
Need help fast.

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