
Progesterone and fibroids

by Joey Aranal
(Nairobi, Kenya)

Will your progesterone therapy be able to help fibroids patients who have heavy bleeding?

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Jun 12, 2008
Progesterone and fibroids
by: Wray

Hi Joey. Progesterone does help reduce fibroid growth, as it inhibits both oestrogen and the enzyme metalloproteinase.

Oestrogen stimulates the lining of the uterus to build up. It also stimulates fibroids to grow. But with the low level of progesterone which accompanies fibroids, the oestrogen is not being inhibited when it should, so it keeps building up.

There is an enzyme in the body called metalloproteinase which is designed to break down any protein, hence the name. In the uterus it comes into play when progesterone levels drop at the end of the cycle and breaks down the lining of the uterus, hence the period we have.

Progesterone inhibits this enzyme too, but with a permanently low progesterone level, there is nothing to inhibit it so the lining continues to break down. But, at the same time it is being built up by oestrogen, so a vicious cycle is started.

Very heavy bleeding, clots, very long periods, with a short break in between are the hallmark of fibroids. To break this cycle progesterone should be used initially in high doses, about 200mg/day. It does take time of course, as the fibroid has taken time to grow.

All the successful studies done on progesterone use between 100mg to 200mg per day. This equates to 3ml to 6ml of Natpro per day. The cream is best applied twice a day, to keep levels up.

Aug 16, 2011
fibroids and heavy bleeding
by: Pam

3 months using progesterone cream and I had a light period, first one in 5 years..

I have had an ablasion and it did help a bit but because of my huge fibroid I still continued to bleed. I have also been anemic over those years. Well I had a totally normal light period and I am a very happy camper.

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