
Progersterone got rid of high blood pressure

by Rick
(Palm Desert CA)

I started using progesterone cream (compounded based on versabase) over 1 year ago and my blood pressure has dropped from highs of 150/100 down to normal 120/80 (tested this morning and was 118/81 and 121/73).

I visited my cardiologist after starting use of the cream and asked him if blood pressure ever returned to normal. His answer was "No" so I suggested he test me. My readings were basically 120/80. He then actually took me off all the blood pressure pills and when I asked him if I still needed Lipitor he recommended a scan to check blood vessels etc. and after results of scan also took me off Lipitor. Besides using the cream, I also started taking 10,000 units of vitamin D per day and started using natokinase.

Other than that, nothing else was changed - still eat same diet and get same amount of exercise.

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Apr 22, 2010
Progesterone got rid of high blood pressure
by: Wray

Hi Rick. This is good news, but it doesn't surprise me. Progesterone is a vasodilator and does lower blood pressure, pity more people don't use it! It prevents platelets aggregating, as it reduces thrombin by about 10% so reducing the formation of clots. It also stimulates the production of nitric oxide. NO is also a vasodilator and prevents platelets aggregating too, so a double benefit. Interestingly Viagra stimulates NO production too (which is why it works), but with adverse side affects, whereas progesterone has none. Progesterone is an excellent diuretic (and anti-inflammatory), as it suppresses aldosterone production. In fact it's so good it's now being used via IV transfusion for brain trauma victims to prevent the oedema and inflammation that occur with the injury. Interestingly about 70% of victims are men. I'm so pleased you're taking such a good dose of vitamin D, please have a test done in a month or two to check the level. It should be between 50-100ng/ml, the nearer the 100 the better. Between 30-50% of us have a deficiency in it, I do and I'm now supplementing with it. For more information on it please see this website. Low vitamin D activates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system which increases blood pressure, another reason yours came down. A vitamin D deficiency causes an increase in parathyroid hormone, which increases insulin resistance. IR is associated with diabetes, hypertension, inflammation, and increased CVD. For more information on IR please see here.

Nattokinase has thrombolytic activity, taking it with progesterone might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. Finally I believe you need taurine, it's a vital osmolyte, critical to cellular health, vital too for the immune system. It is needed for the digestion of fats and controlling cholesterol levels, as it is an integral part of bile. Useful for oedema, high blood pressure, heart disorders (the heart has the highest concentration out of all amino acids). A lack can cause a drop in potassium levels in the heart. It is not found in vegetables, only animal protein. Excellent at lowering both high blood pressure and cholesterol. Take care, Wray

Aug 06, 2012
by: Anonymous

Thank you for that info on taurine. I will check further into it. I already take the vit D and use progesterone cream.

Aug 16, 2012
by: Wray

Hi there Glad it was of help, these are some papers here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here on it's benefits for the heart. There are dozens more on it's other effects. Take care Wray

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