

by Sigmundi

Hello...more questions...I'm 53 years old still menstruating (but not sure if I'm ovulating)
So once a woman is in perimenopause why is Progesterone the recommended cream and not Estriol or Phytoestrogen cream. I see that hair loss for example is a perimenopausal symptom and that Phytoestrogen cream is recommended.
When would I need to use both Phytoestrogen cream and progesterone cream? Also, I noticed that as I increased progesterone to 80mg of cream for hair loss, I was still losing hair so is it possible that too much progesterone is causing this?

Also, what is the connection between peripheral neuropathy and progesterone. I saw that as one of the listed health issues on your site. Thanks for your help!

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Mar 10, 2020
by: Joy

Hi Sigmundi

I have replied to most of your questions on your previous post.

As you read this website you will notice that we do not believe that any women needs to take extra estrogen. There are well over 100 estrogen mimics in our Environment as it is.

Hair Loss can take place at various times, no only during peri-menopause. So many things can cause hair loss.

Peripheral neuropathy can occur at any time, but with low progesterone and high estrogen, it's more likely to occur during these phases. I recommend 100-200mg per day, more if symptoms are severe.

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