by Louise
Hello Wray, I've been taking about 200mg of progesterone cream for the last 1 1/2 months trying to get relief from my inability to fall asleep until 4 or 5 am and also from headaches that started about 1 year ago. It helps the sleep but the week or 2 before my almost non-existent period I have more trouble falling asleep so dab some on thoughout the night and that helps me relax and then fall asleep. Oh, I'm 52 by the way.
Since I've started the higher doses of progesterone cream, my breasts for the last 2 cycles have been really really sore about 2 weeks before my period, more so than usually in the past and my night sweats are worse than they were before. I'm wondering if I'm overblanced on the progesterone cream and taking too much? My Dr. put me on 25mgs of progesterone cream twice a day and that initially hepled for a little while. Also I was prescribed estriol 0.5mg and testosterone 0.25mg, 1 ml once a day for a week and twice weekly thereafter, do you think these are necessary, she said they would keep the vaginal and bladder tissues healthy and help my occasional incontinence. Thanks very much!
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