
New to Natpro

by Louise
(London, UK)

Hallo Wray, I'm 47 and am a long-term sufferer of endometriosis. My periods have started going out of sync and I've just begun using Natpro.

Endometriosis, for me, means coping with unbearable pain (including mid-cycle) and often defeats NSAID medication. Preparation is the key to coping with this. But out of sync periods make this very hard (I'm taking far too many painkillers trying to pre-empt pain). So accordingly, I'm treating myself for irregular cycles, i.e. 1/2 teaspoon twice a day, every day of the month as you suggest.

I recently had some hormone blood tests and a test for iron. These were the results...

FSH: 42
LH: 17.2
Serum Progesterone: 37
Blood Count: Ferritin 15; Hb 12.2; MCB 91;
White cells 5.9

The first two figures suggest I'm post-menopausal and the progesterone shows I'm still ovulating (though whether this is the case every month I am not sure).

I'm also on the verge of low blood pressure (101/67).

On taking NATPRO for the first time yesterday, I noticed straight away a sensation of euphoria passing down my arms and legs, and this affected my heart too. I got worried because I felt (suddenly) very out of breath; and when I applied the night-time dose, was on the verge of palpitations, and had a kind of tight feeling in my chest all night which kept me awake and I lay there anticipating palpitations.

Is this to do with the large amount used? And could this be to do with oestrogen backlash caused by the use of progesterone?

Wray, I really do want Natpro to work. I hope I've given enough information and look very much forward to your much-needed advice. All the best.

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Aug 05, 2010
New to Natpro
by: Wray

Hi Louise Endo is such a devastating problem, so much pain involved. You are using a good amount, about 166mg/day of progesterone, but not enough for endo. I don't know if you've seen our web page on Endometriosis? If not please have a look at it. Oxidative stress is the principal driving force, in other words too many free radicals are flying around. To counter this large amount of antioxidants are required. Oestrogen is always implicated too, this is a mitogen, stimulating cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells. It's also an excitatory hormone, and a known initiator of inflammation. Progesterone on the other hand is a calming hormone, stopping mitosis and a potent anti-inflammatory. One of the findings from endo research is the endometrium doesn?t respond to progesterone stimulus from the ovaries, so very large amounts are needed to overcome the inflammation and excess oestrogen present. So although you appear to be ovulating still, not enough progesterone is being made. You are right about the oestrogen backlash, or as one woman put it, her oestrogen receptors were on 'high alert'! All those symptoms you've described fit perfectly, for more info please see our page on Oestrogen Dominance Progesterone is vital for the lungs, it relaxes blood vessels as it's a potent vasodilator, often affective for asthma. Please see here and here. So back to the amount you're using, you need far more. This is the protocol I suggested to one woman, also 47, and like you with pain 24 hrs a day, she now has none, says she feels wonderful and cancelled the hyst she had scheduled.....
Start with 500mg/day (3tsp) 1 tube will last 4 days; reduce to 330mg/day (2tsp) 1 tube will last 6 days; reduce to 250mg/day (1 1/2tsp) 1 tube will last 8 days.
I asked her to use it daily, throughout her period too, and to continue on the 250mg/day for 2-3 months. Then reduce slowly till the optimum is found, finally following her cycle again. Although at 47 cycles tend to become very erratic and impossible to follow, so I suggest using it daily anyway. She is also taking the anti-inflammatory formula. I can't tell if this protocol will help you, it could be you need to reduce at a slower rate, you would have to judge this. It could be you don't need 250mg per day for 2-3 months, or you might. We're all so different it's impossible to tell how each will react. Take care Wray

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