
Natpro dosage for a 42-year-old with a light menstrual cycle monthly

by Leslie

Hello Wray,

I recently purchased Natpro, as I have been trying to come off of oral progesterone because of the sedative effects. I'm not sure if I'm going through peri- yet, but the last time I had my hormones checked by blood, my progesterone was low, and so was my testosterone. I started oral progesterone around 2017 after I had a miscarriage and needed a D&C procedure. The doctor thought the oral progesterone would help pull me out of my "psychosis-like" state, which my disrupted hormones caused, and it did! I have been on it ever since. I haven't really noticed the benefit of the oral progesterone anymore though and jut notice more of the sluggishness the next day, which brought me to Natpro. I was taking 100 mg of oral progesterone a night, and I'm not sure how much of the Natpro I should be applying. I see the recommendations here are between 100-200 mg for mild symptoms, and other sites have suggested 50 mg or less. I guess I would be using it for anxiety/depression relief and for more energy, which I have experienced in the past with the oral progesterone after a period of time. I don't have the menstrual cramps, and my periods are on the light side, but I do spot a day or two and then start my cycle about a week later. I did apply 2 full pumps yesterday, and I noticed this morning my blood pressure was quite low upon rising, 85/60, so I'm not sure if the Natpro was the cause or if it was the magnesium spray I used prior to bed.

Thank you for reading!

Comments for Natpro dosage for a 42-year-old with a light menstrual cycle monthly

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May 09, 2024
Natpro dosage for a 42-year-old with a light menstrual cycle monthly
by: Joy

Hi Leslie

You are definitely in Peri-Menopause which usually starts at around 35 when progesterone levels drop sharply and estrogen remains the same. Usually between 100-200mg Natpro is needed, more if symptoms are severe. See How to use Progesterone Cream. Any form of oral progesterone is not the best Delivery Method as around 96% gets destroyed by the gut and liver see here. Some women find that using the cream in the morning and oral at night helps with sleep but you need to use the required amount of cream to make up for the oral deficit. Using oral and not getting enough progesterone can aggravate estrogen receptors, definitely not what is needed. Please read the Estrogen Dominance page. Progesterone would have definitely helped you after your Miscarriage but your doctor chose the wrong method. The 100mg oral would have given you very little progesterone.

As you are dealing with Anxiety and depression I recommend 200mg Natpro, half the amount in the morning and the other half at night. You may need more, you will have to experiment to see what works for you best. Take a look at the calming nutrients mentioned on the anxiety page, you will benefit from some of those too.

You are so fortunate that your monthly cycle is light. This is usually the time when heavy/continual bleeding takes place and often with clots.

When first using the correct amount of progesterone it can disrupt things, your body needs to adjust. This can take between 2-6 months. It's possible that it affected your BP but that is understandable as progesterone fights at becoming the dominant hormone. Your body will adjust when it is ready to.

What is your Vitamin D3 level? It should be optimal at all times. A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone and is connected to every single function cell in our bodies making it vital. Cofactors are important when taking D3. Magnesium spray is good but you need to use another type as there are many types of magnesium. Glycinate is a good one to take. I bathe in Epsom salts bath at night which is another excellent form.

May 30, 2024
by: Leslie

Thanks Wray for the detailed response! I may try to up my Natpro a bit and see if I notice any difference. I know my D3 is optimal as I just had this tested, and I do supplement. I will definitely use your recommendations.

Jun 01, 2024
Deep fatigue
by: Leslie

Hello Wray,

Im still doing the 100 mg of Natpro, 50 in the morning and 50 at night. However, im experiencing extreme fatigue and lethargy. Ive been on the Natpro for about a month now. Is this a normal response and will eventually subside? Im afraid to do a higher dose because of this.

Thank you

Jun 02, 2024
Deep fatigue
by: Joy

Hi Leslie

Clearly 100mg is not working for you. Between 100-200mg is recommended, I did suggest that you use 200mg. May I suggest that you increase the amount of cream. You may need a little more until things settle down. You can of course stay on 100mg per day but it will just take longer and continue to experience adverse symptoms until progesterone is the dominant hormone.

Fatigue could also be an Insulin Resistance problem and/or thyroid issues. Have these been tested? Your D3 level should be between 70-100ng/ml which is optimal.

Jun 02, 2024
Deep fatigue
by: Leslie

That makes sense. I've had blood tests done recently and everything was within range, and I believe my D was about 78 too. I'll try increasing the cream to 200!
Thank you

Jun 02, 2024
Deep Fatigue
by: Joy

Hi Leslie

It pleases me that your D3 level is 78. Please try to maintain it there. Stress will destroy this level as well as progesterone and many other nutrients. Extra needs to be taken and used during stressful times.

Is your progesterone:estrogen level within range? It should be 600:1. Please read the Hormone Testing page for an accurate explanation of all tests.

Good luck with increasing the amount of cream. Give it time to work but as mentioned, you may need to use a little more to get you over the hurdle. Once you feel stable, you can slowly reduce the amount of cream but never use less than 100mg.

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