by Emily
(New York )
I thought I would try and ask here before I research myself to death. I'm pretty sure that I have signs of estrogen dominance... But I would love to hear everyone's input because I have been doing all this research myself. So here is the back story. I am 22, I've always been very sensitive to birth control when I went on the pill in high school I had to stop it because it gave me mood swings. So when I stopped my moods leveled out again. Then I got pregnant when I was 18 and although it was a very stressful time in my life I was the calmest/happiest I have ever been in my life. I was 19 when I had my son and I think I had some postpartum anxiety/depression. 3 months postpartum my gynecologist convinced my to get the Mirena IUD. Of course saying it was localized hormones wouldn't affect my moods at all and that all the other women she's had on it all had no side effects ect. So at first it was great I was happy, lost weight was confident for the first time in my life. I also stopped having a period. After having the Mirena for two years I had all these weird symptoms startup anxiety then panic attacks, I started getting eczema flare ups (which I never had before), hair loss (so much shedding), insomnia. So after researching for a few months I had the IUD taken out in february 5th thinking that I had some sort of hormonal imbalance because I was not myself. After about a week my panic attacks were no longer crippling. Slowly my periods have started back up they are very light like 2-3 days max and it's a bright red blood no clots at all very different from what I had before. My cycles are longer than I remember one cycle was about 45 days (I was convinced I was pregnant when I knew that we had been very protected) my other cycles have been 33-35 days. I understand that is not super long but I believe it is abnormal for me along with the very light periods.
So finally, here are my questions:
1. Could the reason that I was super calm and happy during my pregnancy be because my body was getting a good supply of progesterone from the placenta?
2. Could I have been so happy on the Mirena in the beginning because my body liked the extra dose of fake progesterone? Then I'm assuming after my body stopped producing my own progesterone I became estrogen dominant hence all my other problems starting up. I understand that . Levonorgestrel is a Progestin and is not equivalent to natural progesterone.
3. I've heard that the Levonorgestrel can inhibit my own body from making progesterone that means I would try and kick start it by taking bio-identical progesterone?
I bought Emerita Progest from a local vitamin shoppe and tried it yesterday and I felt very level compared to how I have been feeling (like anything could make me cry). I also got the best nights sleep since having my son haha!
So sorry this is so long like I said I have been researching this since february and I finally feel like I am getting somewhere.
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