

by Laurel

I am now 56 and started having hot flashes at night about 3 years ago. Also, feelings of anxiety and depression have continued even though I've resolved a number of stressful conditions in my life. Now, there are no "real" problems, so why do I still wake up feeling depressed & experience a miserable sense of insecurity/anxiousness throughout the day?

My doctor prescribed a low dose of Estradiol in a patch & that seems to lessen it some, but still feeling like I am not my self... not happy for no good reason! Its so bad I've arranged to see a therapist soon & would even consider anti-anxiety or depression treatment.

Do you think a natural form of progesterone could help? Does it increase risk of cancers? I had breast cancer 9 years ago... not the hormone driven kind, but still should be careful.

If so, what kind of progesterone product is easiest & most effective to get the right dose on a regular basis?


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Feb 29, 2016
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