
Keratosis skin

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An alternative name for keratosis skin is phrynoderma or follicular keratosis (permanent 'goose bumps' on arms and thighs). These small bumps occur on the upper arms, thighs, elbows and the bottom. Although the cause is unknown there is some reason to believe they may be due to an Omega 3 (an essential fatty acid) deficiency or to an allergy to dairy products.

However, they are certainly hormonally related as they have been successfully treated and disappear within a few weeks after applying progesterone. This is applied in the form of a skin cream directly on the affected areas.

Hormone imbalances induced by environmental toxins, especially the 'xeno-estrogens', are thought by some authorities to be a major contributor to this problem.

Additional benefit has been found by taking 15 to 75ml/day of Omega 3 together with the carotenoids and vitamin A.

To find out more about progesterone therapy in general and how it benefits health issues other than keratosis skin, please click here.

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