
Just got my IUD removed

by Claire
(Pennsylvania )


I am 27 years old and just got my hormonal IUD (Kyleena) removed yesterday. I was getting “dry” periods on it where I would ovulate with a deficient luteal phase of 7 days, but could not bleed because of the contraceptive. I started by using ProgesterAll in July (about a month and a half ago). I started at 40 mg a day, but after finding your site I bumped it up to 80 mg a day, then 200 mg, and now since yesterday I am up to 400 mg/day. This actually increased my luteal phase length, from 7 days to 11! Also, The more progesterone I take, the fewer allergies I feel and the calmer I become.

My concern is that no doctor seems to want to give me a test to check my progesterone levels (possibly because I’m still so young). I’m not sure if they’ll test my Vitamin D3 either. In fact, I’ve been met with nothing but dismissal and lack of concern when I point out that the IUD has been causing me a lot of issues (including autimmune dysfunction!) and it’s very frustrating. I also don’t have much money right now, so paying out of pocket for tests is a little out of my budget.

I’ve been reviewing D3 supplements to find out the best way to take them. Would a liquid form work well? I also make sure that I spend at least an hour outside in the sun every day.

My main question is this: since I lack the means to check my levels myself, how much progesterone should I be taking? Is 400 mg enough, or should I use more? I haven’t had any large amounts of natural progesterone made in literally years, so I’m unsure how to correctly proceed.

Also, are there any other supplements you might be able to recommend for autoimmune issues? I’m already taking 300 mg magnesium, 30 mg Zinc, B vitamins, iodine 150 mcg and 200 mg selenium. Also using chaste berry.

Thank you very much,

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Aug 21, 2022
Just got my IUD removed
by: Joy

Hi Claire

I see that you have posted the same thing on another post again. I'll reply there. Please try to keep one post going as it gets confusing.

Many thanks.

Aug 21, 2022
Having trouble finding old post
by: Claire

Thank you very much for your response! I am having a lot of difficulty finding my other post again. Would it be possible for you to link it here? Thank you for your trouble.

Aug 22, 2022
Having trouble finding old post
by: Joy

Hi Claire

You should have received an email informing you that a reply had been made provided you ticked to 'please notify me' box. Here is the page.

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