Hi Chuck Yes it is, in fact we have many using it for BPH and to raise libido. We have one man using it who has prostate cancer. Initially he used 10mg/day, but at my request increased it to 100mg/day. He did experience the initial stimulatory affect progesterone has on oestrogen, but his oestrogen was higher than it should have been. It has now dropped and judging by correspondence I've had, he seems to be doing well. You can read more about this stimulatory affect on our Oestrogen Dominance web page. I have also pasted below an email I received from another man..... "You asked me to report back to you once I had tried Natpro for a good length of time. I am one of your relatively rare male customers, aged 63, and was initially attracted to Natpro for two potential benefits: an improvement to my (benign) prostatitis, and an improvement to my libido. I am instinctively sceptical, and am not likely to be subject to the placebo effect - so I like to think! Six months on I can report a definite and very welcome outcome in both respects. Whereas I used to have the usual difficulties associated with an enlarged prostate: poor flow and excessive frequency of urination, with consequently disturbed nights, I now routinely sleep soundly through six or seven hours, and the rate of flow, while not as vigorous as many years ago, is good and continuous. As for the libido .... let me simply say that I am delighted with the results in my sexual life. An entirely unexpected effect, and also welcome, was that very quickly (I mean within days of starting the applications) there was a marked effect on my sleep, which had been light and broken, but became heavier and more continuous and therefore more satisfactory, even though in those early days I was still having to get up once or twice to urinate. So, many thanks indeed. You have an ongoing customer! (Use this if you like, but anonymously, please)" The following papers might interest you. Basically they say oestrogen stimulates androgen mediated hyperplasia, progesterone is an excellent anti-androgen, but the synthetic progestins should be avoided at all costs Please see here,and here,and here,and here,and here. But in case you're concerned about lowering your testosterone and libido dropping, the jury is still out on that. Please see this paper. Take care Wray
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bioidentical progesterone cream has helped tens of thousands of women and men suffering from many health conditions since 1996.
I've been using 200mg progesterone cream for probably almost a year now. I still seem to have some estrogen dominance....I also supplement with vitamin
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Although this web site is not intended to be prescriptive, it is intended, and hoped, that it will induce in you a sufficient level of scepticism about some health care practices to impel you to seek out medical advice that is not captive to purely commercial interests, or blinded by academic and institutional hubris. You are encouraged to refer any health problem to a health care practitioner and, in reference to any information contained in this web site, preferably one with specific knowledge of progesterone therapy.