
Is midcycle bleeding caused by progesterone cream?

by Karen

Hi. I have been trying to fall pregnant through home-insemination. We have been to fertility clinics and had tests done on everything so we know that everything is working - except that a I had to take a triple amount of clomid (hormone to bring on ovulation) these procedures were not succeful in pregnancy and cost a lot of money each time. So my wife and I have a sperm donar who we contact each month during ovulation where we do a home-insemination. I was told about the progesterone journey by a friend and started using Natpro cream about 3 months ago, applying it every morning and every evening. Around day 10 of my cycle until my period starts. We then do the insemination for 3 days (once a day) on day 12-14. For the last 2 months I have had "break through" bleeding - like a full period but 5/6 days after ovulation, so it is very early. This happen while still applying the cream. And then I stop the cream once the full period starts. This doesn't give much time of using the progesterone cream and obviously not resulting in pregnancy. Also, when does ovulation happen if for the last 2 months I have had 18 day cycles. In the past my cycles were always around 31 days.
Please give some advice on how to go forward. And is my next ovulation still on day 12-14 after this very early period?

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Mar 23, 2023
Is midcycle bleeding caused by progesterone cream?
by: Joy

Hi Karen

Progesterone will disrupt your regular cycle when first using it. Your cycle will revert to normal once the body has adjusted to progesterone. You don't mention how much Natpro you are using. Usually between 100-200mg is needed. Progesterone should only be used from ovulation (Luteal Phase) for the last 14 days of the cycle. All women, irrespective of the length of their cycle, should start ovulating 14 days before they start bleeding again. This means that you should start using the cream either at ovulation, if you know when it happens, or 14 days before your next period is due. Please refer to the How to use Progesterone Cream and Pregnancy pages.

I am not in favour of clomid, it is not a good drug see here. What is your Vitamin D3 level? A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone and is linked to every single functioning cell in our body and that includes pregnancy and is vital for the unborn child.

Best of luck.

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