
Is it safe to continue with Prometrium?

by Pam Stevens
(Charleston, WV)

I'm just in the initial stages of researching bioidentical hormones. I'm 58 and suffer from debilitating fatique at the top of my list of symptoms. Both my gyn and gp are not concerned.

I'm currently on Prometrium 100mg and Estratest hs. Is it safe to simply continue on with the Prometrium and discontinue the Estratest hs until I can get conclusions from ZRT labs AND find a doctor that has some clue about bioidentical hormones in my area? How can I find a doctor in or near Charleston, WV who is knowledgeable? Thanks

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Jun 19, 2008
Is it safe to continue with Prometrium?
by: Wray

Hi Pam. Yes it is safe, in fact to my mind a better option. After menopause our progesterone levels are very low as it is, adding more oestrogen unbalances us further. And I've never found testosterone necessary for a woman either. Generally we have too many androgens after menopause, leading to male pattern baldness and hair growth on the face!

You say you're on Prometrium, does that mean you're taking it or are they suppositories? Because if you're taking it, about 80 to 90% is destroyed in the gut and liver, leaving you with very little. This would account for the fact it doesn't seem to have helped much. If you can use them as suppositories instead you would absorb most of the progesterone.

It could be you also have insulin resistance. IR affects anywhere from 25-80% of the population, causing tiredness, extreme in some cases, and weight gain. No amount of good food or exercise helps. The cells simply aren’t getting the food they need. IR needs to be reversed before full health is achieved. It is possible to do this naturally, without resorting to drugs, as is common practice. The only doctor I know of that understands bioindentical hormones lives in California. I'll give his details below in case it helps:

Dr Platt
Platt Medical Center
72-785 Frank Sinatra Drive
Suite 100
Rancho Mirage
CA 92270
Phone: +| 760 836 3232
Fax: +| 760 836 3234
Web site:
Specialising in preventative medicine using bio-identical hormones.

Take care Wray

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