by Mary McIntyre
I started using natural progesterone 2 months ago. I am 61, cannot lose weight, have a bad acne prone skin and facial hair. (This is NOT who I am inside) lol. I am desperate.
I took Premarin for 18 years until my new doctor stopped it 8 years ago. Since then I went through a menopause which finished and I have had my ovaries removed due to an ovarian cyst. I had my womb removed when I was 27 due to long and heavy periods. My health has deteriorated. I have Rheumatoid arthritis and I generally feel so bad. I know natural progesterone won't do anything for the RA, but I wanted to start to feel as I felt when I was on Premarin. Anyway, during the first 24 days I had a LOT of hot flushes and sweats, especially night sweats. Now I am nearing the end of my second lot of 24 days, I still get night sweats, but the hot flushes have reduced A LOT. I didn't know that I would be getting the symptoms of a menopause, but we'll see.
I wanted to know if the progesterone would rid me of the facial hair and help me to lose weight, and I have a bad suspicion, that, if it had been around when I was younger, I would not have had to have a hysterctomy, nor in later years, had my ovaries removed.
If anyone can advise me I would appreciate it.
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