
I'm not so clear bout the result can u explain it to me

by nurmala
(Kuching, Sarawak)

My ranges appear like this...

follicular 0.5 - 5.0 nmol/L
Luteal 10.0 - 75 nmol/L
Pregnancy 40.0 - 220 nmo/L

Can you explain to me what does it mean?

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Oct 18, 2011
I'm not so clear bout the result can u explain it to me
by: Wray

Hi Nurmala Unfortunately these are the ranges as you say. To help you I would need to know what your level is, you don't give this. Incidentally, the range you've given for pregnancy is for the first trimester, it rises much higher than this during the third trimester. Take care Wray

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