
I have hardly any estrogen or progesterone and the doctor is putting me on both. Should I be taking this much at first?

by Ronnie

I am 46 years old and haven't been having many issues but when my hormones were tested my results were estrogen<25, progesterone=<60 and my Luetinizing Hormone=65.9 and FSH=61.1.

I was still having periods up until a fibroid was removed and a D&C. Once the bleeding was over from that surgery I have only had spotting for the last 8 weeks. My doctor put me on Estradiol pill for .5mg and progesterone pill for 200mg. The only issue I have had is terrible weight gain. I have always weighed around 130 and I am 5'3". I have gained 22 pounds over the last two years and its all around my stomach. I look like I did when I was pregnant. I am so worried these pills will cause me to gain more.

Should she have started me on a lower dose? Please help me.

Comments for I have hardly any estrogen or progesterone and the doctor is putting me on both. Should I be taking this much at first?

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Aug 25, 2017
Estrogen progesterone ratio
by: Anonymous

Hi, in reading your comment, the ratio between estrogen and progesterone, is that you need your Thyroid's functioning optimally when on hormones.

Aug 28, 2017
I have hardly any estrogen or progesterone and the doctor is putting me on both. Should I be taking this much at first?
by: Joy

Hi Ronnie

Please can you advise what units your progesterone and estrogen where measured, or did you have blood or saliva tests? The P:E(2) ratio should be around 600:1. Or perhaps you can work this out yourself by looking at the Hormone Testing page.

You are in Peri-Menopause which can be a difficult time in most women's lives, but it need not be. The correct use of progesterone cream will help you through this and prepare you for Menopause. A missed period for 12 months puts on in Menopause.

Sadly you will continue to gain weight for two reasons. Firstly, estrogen causes weight gain, it is a mitogen causing fat cells to proliferate. Your doctor prescribed estradiol. No women should take extra estrogen, there are well over 100 estrogen mimics in our environment as it is, why take more and why is your doctor prescribing it? Secondly, any form of oral progesterone is not the best delivery method as 96% gets destroyed by the gut and liver. This now stirs up your estrogen receptors which in turn causes weight gain. A lower dose will only make matters worse for you. However, if you were using a good organic progesterone cream such as Natpro, that would probably be enough for you, between 100-200mg per day is needed, more if symptoms are severe.

On top of that, a vitamin D3 deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone. Do you know what your level is? Co-factors are needed.

You could also have a thyroid problem. Have you had it tested? You may be deficient in iodine, selenium or the amino acid tyrosine.

Please read these pages and the references as they will help you to understand exactly how to use progesterone correctly:

How to use Progesterone Cream

Estrogen Dominance

Environmental Toxins



Vitamin D3


Hormone Testing

Aug 29, 2017
Wow thank you so much for taking the time to send me all of that important information.!
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for taking the time to send me all of that important information.

I truly appreciate it!

Aug 30, 2017
Wow thank you so much for taking the time to send me all of that important information.!
by: Joy

It's a pleasure Ronnie. Hope you are able to sort this out soon. Please think very carefully about taking the estrogen.

Take care.

Sep 02, 2018
Menopause and prescribed BOTH estrogel (2 pumps at night) and 2X 100 mg promethium at night. Concerned about bloating and weight gain. iS IT Okay to take both or should I eliminate estrogen
by: Anonymous

Hello - I am aged 49, apparently I am menopausal as periods have completely stopped. According to saliva tests my hormones are off the charts low. Estradiol was below range: <.80 when normal range is 1.0 tp 9.0. Progesterone was below range: 17 when normal range is 50 - 250.

I suffer from chronic insomnia - can't fall asleep or stay asleep, drenching night sweats, no energy, extremely low mood and weight gain especially in my belly and waist whereas I was very slim and had a small waist and flat belly 10 years ago. I was taking estromend ( a herb that is supposed to boost estrogen 4 capsules a day) for the past 2 years and I was able to lose some weight and keep flashes and sweats at bay, the last few months I have had full blown menopause symptoms and gained weight.

Saw a specialist who prescribed 2 pumps of estrogel (17B estradiol 0.06%) at night as well as 2 capsules of promethium progesterone (100 mg each) at night. Thus far I have had an increase in sweats bloated and it looks like I am even thicker around the waist and belly than last week and still having sleep issues.

Should I stop the estrogel and stick only with the promethium. Is it okay to only take progesterone and skip the estrogen replacement? Very concerned about further weight gain. This is depressing me. I am in my second week of treatment, any comments would be appreciated, thank you!

Sep 03, 2018
Menopause and prescribed BOTH estrogel (2 pumps at night) and 2X 100 mg promethium at night. Concerned about bloating and weight gain. iS IT Okay to take both or should I eliminate estrogen
by: Joy

A missed period for 12 months puts you in Menopause. If spotting or bleeding in any way then you are in Peri-Menopause.

Please read the above reply to Ronnie. No women should take extra estrogen as there are well over 100 mimics in our Environment as it is. It will also be the cause of your weight gain and add to Estrogen Dominance symptoms. Any form of oral progesterone is not the best Delivery Method. Please consider using a good 3% progesterone cream such as Natpro. Please read the How to use Progesterone Cream page.

Vitamin D3 is very important as a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone, optimal range is between 70-100ng/mL. Nothing less than 5,000iu's is needed daily. Co-factors are needed when taking D3, magnesium and vitamin K2 with no soy are the important ones.

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